nately, the stations that had originally been built remained intact, and after so many decades they still look amazing. So, apart from its obviously impressive look, this metro is also impressive in terms of figures. Opened in 1935, when it covered a total distance of 11 kilometres and had 13 stations, it today numbers an incredible 214 stations distributed along a total dis- tance of 364.9 km, making it the world’s sixth largest metro system. Most of the stations are underground, while Moscow can also boast of having one of the world’s deep- est stations - Victory Park, which is situat- ed at a depth of 84 metres. Its 12 lines airily traverse and cross the centre of the city, with the exception of Koltsevaya (Circular), which is ring shaped, covers a distance of 20 kilo- metres and con-
nects all others. Completed in 1954, ac- cording to legend it was created during one presentation of the idea of the met- ro. Namely, after the designers asked Sta- lin whether he was satisfied with the plan, he placed a coffee cup in the middle of the map and left. On that spot was left a stain in the shape of a cup, so it was determined that it would be faster and better to build a circular line. This story may or may not be true, but there is no doubt about the colour indicating this metro line – brown! Lastly, but actually most importantly – at least when it comes to my impressions – the most fascinating aspect of the Moscow metro are the Muscovites themselves. First of all, they are constantly rushing some- where. Although trains arrive at 90-second intervals and you practically don’t have time to wait, these people walk very quickly, usu- ally with headphones covering their ears. That’s also why you stand to the right on the escalators – leaving the left free for all those who move faster than the stairs.
This also relates to my second fascination. Namely, this under- ground railway carries the most passengers world-
Ova stanica je najbliža Crvenom trgu i jedna od najpo- znatijih. Ljudi Sovjetskog saveza predstavljeni su u
72 bronzane skulpture od kojih je najvoljenija statua psa čiji nos treba protrljati za sreću This is the closest station to Red Square and one of the most famous. The people of the Soviet Union are presented in 72 bronze sculptures, the most beloved of which is the stat- ue of a dog whose nose should be rubbed for luck
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