Arhitekta Aleksej Duškin je dugo želeo da napravi vitraže i to mu je pošlo za rukom na stanici izgrađenoj 1952. godine. Ubedio je umetni- ka Pavela Korina da dizajnira 32 ploče od stakla koje okružuju mesin- gani okviri. Vitraži su pravljeni u Letoniji, prema Korinovim nacrtima
wide! Even more than the New York sub- way. There are so many people in its un- derground tunnels that the mass cannot be described in words. Yet, nevertheless, at no mo- ment do you feel like you are stuck in a madden- ing crowd. Passengers flow from the trains like rivers, form large human lakes in front of the es- calators, which then narrow as they approach the escalators and step onto the stairs one by one, without delays, without shoving, without nervousness. And everything flows, everything is calm and everything is unreal! And then there’s also the impeccable cleanliness of the tiled floors, created by the wonderful habit of not discard- ing rubbish carelessly. Never more people and never more order and decency. Although it is known to the world for the beauty of its decorated stations, I would say that the Moscow Metro can pri- marily take pride in its Mus- covite users.
Architect Alexey Dushkin had long since wanted to create a stained-glass work, and he found the perfect occasion at this metro station that he built in 1952. He convinced artist Pavel Korin to design 32 glass panels surrounded by brass trim frames. The stained-glass panels were produced in Latvia, in accordance with Korin’s sketches
da se to rečima ne da opisati. Ipak, ni- jednog trenutka nemate osećaj da ste u nekoj gužvi.
Putnici se iz vozova slivaju kao reke, pred stepenicama se napravi jedno veliko ljudsko jezero, pa se usko uliva na stepenice, na koje ljudi stupaju jedan po jedan, bez zasto- ja, bez guranja, bez nervoze. I sve teče, i sve je mirno, i sve je nestvarno! A tu je i besprekorna čistoća popločanih podo- va, stvorena divnom navikom da se sme- će ne baca naokolo. Niti više ljudi, ni- ti više reda i pristojnosti. Iako ga svet poznaje zbog lepote deko- risanih stanica, rekla bih da moskovski metro ipak naj- pre može da se pohva- li svojim Moskovlja- nima.
STANICA KIJEVSKAJA / KIEVSKAYA STATION Dizajn stanice izabran je na javnom konkursu održanom u Ukrajini. Kijevskaju karakterišu niski, kvadratni stubovi od belog mermera, nadograđeni velikim mozaicima koji slave rusko-ukrajinsko jedinstvo. Na kraju platforme je veliki portret Vladimira Iljiča Lenjina
The design of this station was selected at a public competition held in Ukraine. Kievskaya Station is charac- terised by low, square pillars made of white marble, em- bellished with large mosa- ics glorifying unity between Russians and Ukrainians. At the end of the platform is a large portrait of Lenin
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