Srđan Gojković kaže da je njegov „Električni orgazam“ baš tamo gde bi danas i trebalo da bude – na sceni, pred gomilom novih klinaca u prvim redovima, a uz podršku rokenrol veterana
Srđan Gojković says
that his Električni orgazam band is exactly where it should be today – on stage, in front of a bunch of new kids in the front rows, and with the support of rock’n’roll veterans
T he 1981 album‘Package Arrangement’heralded the beginning of the“new wave”, marking the most signif- icant period of the Yugoslav rock scene. That album featured selected songs of three bands that were the first voice of this new generation and new sound - they were Idoli, Šarlo akrobata and Električni orgazam. Only one of them still exists today – Električni orgazam, led by Srđan Gojković, aka Gile, one of the key figures of Belgrade rock’n’roll. Legend has it that the name of the band emerged spon- taneously, in a kafana inn, while a group of barely-legal kids hung out after a concert of the band Leb i Sol, together with Električni orgazam’s first song –“Konobar”(Waiter). Gile would later say how it was planned for the band to last for just one concert, at which it would perform as the support act for his second band, called Hypnotised Chicks. But the response of the audience was decisive and the next day the Chicks disband- ed and Električni orgazam became Gile’s main band, and the name (Electrical Orgasm), which initially only suggested prob- lems in the conservative social milieu, now, 38 years later, has a cult status. And in many ways, Gile and Električni orgazam have earned that – not just as the voice of their generation. Songs like“Zlatni papagaj”(Golden Parrot),“Krokodili dolaze” A lbum Paket aranžman je 1981. objavio po- četak novog talasa, najznačajnijeg perio- da jugoslovenske rok scene. Na tom albu- mu našle su se izabrane pesme tri benda koji su bili prvi glas te nove generacije i novog zvu- ka – bili su to Idoli , Šarlo akrobata i Električni orga- zam . Samo jedan od njih i dalje postoji – Električni orgazam , sa Srđanom Gojkovićem Giletom na čelu, jednom od ključnih figura beogradskog rokenrola. Legenda kaže da je ime benda nastalo sponta- no, u kafani, na druženju jedva punoletnih klinaca nakon koncerta grupe Leb i sol . Zajedno sa prvom pesmom Električnog orgazma – Konobar . Gile je posle pričao da je bilo planirano da bend potraje jedan koncert, na kojem bi nastupio kao predgru- pa njegovom drugom bendu, koji se zvao Hipnoti- sano pile . Ali reakcija publike je presudila i sutra- dan se Pile ugasilo, Električni orgazam postao je glavni Giletov bend, a ime, koje im je u početku na- Tekst / Words: Ana Kalaba Fotografije/ Photography: Goran Srdanov, Branislav Rašić, Zoran Vujović, Nebojša Raus
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