One of our big advantages is our com- pany’s name. RE/MAX is synonymous with professionalism and competence in this in- dustry. Of course, the recognizable brand relies on a vast, long-standing experience, followed by investing in our own capacities — above all our team of agents. I would like to note that RE/MAX was the first company to sell more than a million properties glob- ally in a single year, which speaks to the suc- cessful business and expansion model of our system. It’s all about the training and the policies you put in place for the company’s growth. We believe in our model, based on people working with success in our business and being stakeholders for our company. When do you think the Balkan be- came an interesting market and what prompted this the most? The real estate market has been increas- ingly stable and growing in recent years. Lower interest rates are also partially respon- sible. The Mediterranean coast in itself has a strong allure —more than the rest of Europe — but real estate market growth is driven by several factors. This primarily includes tourism development, infrastructure invest- ments, and Life style projects that attract in- vestors. If the investments are on the rise, this signals that Balkan countries’economies are sound, which is indeed the main pre- requisite for the real estate market to grow. Do you expect that your network will be able to incite interest among pros- pects from other countries for the Mon- tenegrin market? This definitely is our plan. People around the world like to do business with well-known brands. First of all, this provides them with a sense of security and protec- tion. We at RE/MAX comply with stringent standards and ethics. We have educated ourselves already by studying the market for last 18 months before we’ve decided to open offices. We have to be precise in what we are doing and make sure we get it right from day one. So far, the feedback we have gotten from our local and foreign clients in Malta is amazing and we have also been in- undated with request from our colleagues around the world. What parts of the world do you expect your clients to come from? I believe that with the right means and good relationships with developers, strategy, and marketing, we will reach a point where we are able to appeal to cli- ents from Northern Europe, North America, Africa, South Africa, UAE, Middle East, Asia, and the rest of the world. There’s plenty of room for advancement, which is a great bonus. Montenegro being such a beau- tiful and young country is very attractive for any investor.
visi od stalnih obuka i treninga zapo- slenih, kao i politike poslovanja koju postavite kao osnovu za razvoj bizni- sa. Mi vjerujemo u naš model poslova- nja, koji se temelji na uspješnom timu ljudi, koji kroz svoje poslovne uspje- he doprinosi razvoju naše kompanije. Kada su po vama zemlje Bal- kana postale interesantno trži- šte i koji su faktori najviše uti- cali na to? – Tržište nekretnina je sve stabil- nije i bilježi rast posljednjih nekoliko godina. Dijelom tome doprinose i ni- že kamatne stope. Mediteranska obala je sama po sebi atraktivnija od ostat- ka Evrope, ali na razvoj tržišta nekret- nina utiče više faktora. Prvenstveno mislim na razvoj turizma, ulaganja u infrastrukturu i projekate za očuvanje životne sredine, koji će privući investi- tore. Ako investicije rastu, to je znak da je ekonomija zemalja na Balkanu stabilna, a to i jeste glavni preduslov za razvoj tržišta nekretnina. Da li očekujete da ćete kroz vašu mrežu uspjeti da zainteresuje- te potencijalne kupce iz drugih zemalja za crnogorsko tržište? – To je definitivno naš plan. Lju-
di širom svijeta vole da posluju sa poznatim imenom. Prije svega jer im to daje osjećaj sigurnosti i za- štićenosti. Mi u RE/MAX-u imamo visok nivo etičnosti i visoko po- stavljene standarde. Moramo biti jasni i precizni u našem poslova- nju od prvog dana. Prije nego što smo uopšte odlučili da otvorimo kancelarije, poslednjih 18 mjeseci posvetili smo se boljem upoznava- nju i istraživanju crnogorskog tr- žišta. Reakcije koje dobijamo ka- ko od lokalnih tako i od inostranih klijenata sa Malte su jako pozitiv- ne, a naročito od naših kolega ši- rom svijeta. Iz kojih zemalja svijeta očeku- jete klijente? – Vjerujem da ćemo, uz prava sred- stva i odnose sa graditeljima kao i stra- tegiju i marketing, biti u mogućnosti da dovedemo klijente iz Sjeverne Evro- pe, Sjeverne Amerike, Afrike, Južne Afrike, UAE, Srednjeg istoka i Azije i ostatka svijeta. Postoji dosta prostora za napredovanje što je veliki bonus. Crna Gora je prelijepa, mlada drža- va, a takve zemlje su jako privlačne za investitore.
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