Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up
SRBIJA I AUSTRALIJA U SNAŽNOM EKONOMSKOM SAVEZU Serbia and Australia in strong economic alliance
r Srbija je podržala pokretanje Australijsko-srp- ske privredne komore ( Australian Serbian Cham-
ir Serbia has supported the launch of the Australian Serbian Chamber of Commerce (ASCC), whose purpose is to strengthen socioeconomic ties between the two countries. The ASCC was formally launched on 1 st June at the Embassy of Australia in Belgrade, with many important guests in attendance. Among them was Air Serbia CEO Dane Kondić, who spoke about his personal experience of moving to Serbia, as well as the operational challenges overcome by Air Serbia when launching flights on the Belgrade-New York route. Also speaking at this event were Julia Feeney, Ambassador of Australia to Serbia, and Igor Savić, Director of the Australian- Serbian Chamber of Commerce.
ber of Commerce – ASCC), čija je osnovna uloga ja- čanje bilateralnih odnosa dveju zemalja. Privredna komora pokrenuta je 1. juna u Ambasadi Australije u Beogradu gde su se okupile mnoge važne zvanice. Me- đu njima bio je i generalni direktor Er Srbije Dane Kon- dić, koji je govorio o svom iskustvu dolaska iz Austra- lije u Srbiju i svim izazovima koje je Er Srbija prošla prilikom pokretanja saobraćaja na liniji Beograd–Nju- jork. Na skupu su govorili i Džulija Fini, ambasador- ka Australije u Srbiji, i Igor Savić, direktor Australij- sko-srpske privredne komore.
Više od 600 čarter letova ovog leta
P Over 600 charter flights this summer
B y mid-May, before the 2017 summer charter season had even begun, Air Serbia had arranged over 600 charter flights with domestic tour operators to popular destinations in the Mediterranean. The flights will be operated on the carrier’s B737 fleet under the Aviolet charter brand and this year’s focus is on the Greek islands, as well as the coasts of Italy, Spain and Turkey. Flights will be operated to Rhodes, Crete, Corfu, Zakynthos, Skiathos, Limnos, Antalya, Calabria, Catania, Rimini and many other popular summer tourist destinations.
red ovogodišnju letnju čarter sezonu, koja je po- čela sredinom maja, čarter tim Er Srbije ugovorio je brojne leto- ve sa domaćim tur-operatorima. Letovi će se obavljati avionima B737 naše čarter flote Avioleta ka popularnim turističkim desti- nacijama u Sredozemlju. To su Rodos, Krit, Krf, Zakintos, Ski- jatos, Limnos, Antalija, Kalabri- ja, Katanja, Rimini i mnoge dru- ge popularne letnje turističke destinacije.
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