Elevate July 2017 | Air Serbia

Vimbldon / wimbledon

POČELO JE SA MIDI-SUKNJAMA Tenis je postao popularan u viktorijanskoj Engle- skoj. Uz svu demokratičnost sporta, klase su spontano izabrale – tenis je pripao višoj. Žene počinju da igraju na Vimbldonu 1884. u odeći nalik onoj za svaki dan. Be- la odeća na kojoj se videla svaka mrlja postala je sim- bol bogatih, baš kao i sam sport. Bilo je važno ostaviti utisak da se bogati ne znoje. Tako je bela odeća ušla u modu na velika vrata i ostala u njoj do danas. Vimbldon je 1890. proglasio belu zvaničnom bojom za sve igrače. S početka XX veka žene su igrale tenis u suknjama do pola listova, čarapama i dugim rukavima, što im je sputavalo pokrete. Ali niko se nije bunio, modni i druš- tveni standardi bili su neumoljivi.


Tennis became popular in Victorian England. Despite all the democratic characteristics of the sport, tennis belonged to the higher class. Women started playing at Wimbledon in 1884, wear- ing the kind of clothes that they would wear every day. White clothing on which every blemish can be seen became a symbol of the wealthy, like the sport itself. It was important to leave the impression that the rich don’t sweat. Thus, white clothing came into fashion in a big way and has remained so to this day. Wim- bledon declared white the official colour for all players in 1890. By the early 20 th century women were playing tennis in skirts halfway up their ankles, socks and long sleeves, which hampered their movements. But nobody complained, as fashion and social standards were unrelenting.

Britanska teniserka Dorotea Daglas osvojila je Vimbldon sedam puta British tennis player Dorothea Douglass won Wimbledon seven times


Len-glen cipele za tenis bile su jako popularne 20- ih. Izrađene od specijalnih materijala, bile su toliko mekane i fleksibilne da ni štiklica nije smetala tokom meča Len-Glen tennis shoes were extremely popular in the 1920s. Made of special materials, they were so soft and flexible that even their heels were no bother during a match

PRVI MEČ U KRATKOJ SUKNJI Opuštene i kockaste forme karakteristične za tri- desete godine prošlog veka stigle su i na teren. Porub se penje do kolena, a nepraktične duge suknje odlaze u istoriju. Helen Vils nastupa u do tada nezamislivo krat- koj suknji koja je dopirala do kolena, a beli vizir posta- je njen zaštitni znak.



The relaxed and cubist forms that were characteristic of the 1930s also arrived on the tennis court. Hems were raised to the knee, with the impractical long skirts being consigned to histo- ry. Helen Wills played in a hitherto unthinkable short skirt that reached to her knees, while a white visor became her trademark.

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