Kula Nebojša , mesto stradanja Rige od Fere Nebojša Tower, where Rigas Feraios was imprisoned and killed
about the French Revolution he wanted something similar for the Balkans. He met with Greek bishops and rebel leaders to seek support for an uprising. His fascina- tion with the struggle for freedom was also woven into poetry. Rigas Feraios wrote the Greek version of La Marseillaise, the French revolutionary national anthem, conveying the message “sons of Greeks, stand up!” He did all he could for his compatriots and other enslaved peoples to be freed, us- ing brain power more than classical weap- ons. In Napoleon he saw an individual of great libertarian capacity, so he sought to meet him and seek his help. They began to correspond and he even sent him a gift – a tobacco case made from bay tree root from the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. After agree- ing to meet with him in Venice, he set off, but was betrayed by a Greek merchant. Ri- gas was arrested by the Austrian authori- ties and deported to Belgrade. He was bru- tally tortured in Nebojša Tower and killed. This Greek revolutionary’s last words were:“I havesownrichseeds.Themomentiscoming when my country will pick the glorious fruit”. He was only 40, and he had a clear awareness that “it is better to live free for one hour than to spend a long life in captivity”.
likog slobodarskog kapaciteta, pa je poželeo da ga upozna i od njega za- traži pomoć. Počeli su da se dopisuju, čak mu je i poklon poslao – tabakeru od lovorovog korena iz Apolonovog hrama u Delfima. Ugovorivši susret s njim u Veneciji, krenuo je, ali ga iz- dade jedan grčki trgovac. Rigu su au- strijske vlasti uhapsile i deportovale u Beograd. Zverski je mučen u Kuli Neboj- ša , a ubrzo je i ubijen. Poslednje reči grčkog revolucionara bile su: „Ja sam posejao bogato seme. Dolazi čas ka- da će moja zemlja brati slavno voće.“ Imao je svega 40 godina i jasnu svest da je „bolje živeti slobodan je- dan jedini čas no proživeti dug vek u ropstvu“.
pa je naučio nekoliko jezika u Buku- reštu. Službovao je na raznim visokim administrativnim funkcijama. Važne vesti su brzo putovale i pre interneta, pa je buntovni mladi čovek čuo za Francusku revoluciju i poželeo nešto slično za Balkan. Sastajao se s grčkim episkopima i pobunjeničkim vođama i tražio po- dršku za ustanak. Svoju opčinjenost borbom za slobodu utkao je i u pe- sništvo. Riga od Fere napisao je grč- ku verziju Marseljeze , himne francu- skih revolucionara, u kojoj poručuje: „Sinovi Grka, ustanite!“ Činio je sve da svoje sunarodni- ke i druge sužnje oslobodi koristeći više umne snage no klasično oruž- je. I u Napoleonu je video ličnost ve-
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