Svetlana Bojković i Slavko Kruljević u Helsinkiju
Svetlana Bojković and Slavko
Kruljević in Helsinki
B io je snežan dan kada sam prvi put stigla u Helsin- ki. U VIP salonu čekali su nas predstavnici diplomat- skog kora. Za kratko vreme naučila sam diplomatski protokol. Pamtim 6. decembar jer smo tada uvek bili na prijemu u helsinškoj predsednič- koj palati povodom Dana državnosti Finske. Sa zvanicama bismo se ruko- vali tri sata, atmosfera i scenografi- ja podsećale su me na teatar jer su svi elegantno kostimirani, a muški kostimi se iznajmljuju. Živeli smo na Katajanoki, ostrvu najbližem kopnu, na oko deset mi- nuta peške od centra grada, u apar- tmanu vile sa velikim dvorištem za kočije i kapijom s lukovima, koju su krajem 19. veka podigli Rusi. Tamo vlada takav mir da se i tišina čuje. Domaćinstvo nam je vodila jedna ljubazna žena, tako da sam prvi put osetila da ne moram u svemu da bu- dem sama svoj majstor. Prijalo mi je što tamo nisam bila javna ličnost. Za njihove najtiražnije novine Helsinš- ke vesti dala sam intervju o svom radu, kulturi i životu u Srbiji. Posle su me još dvaput intervjuisali u fin- skim medijima. U Helsinkiju, gde god da krene- te, izađete do morske obale. Grad je izuzetno čist, preovlađuje arhitektura nuovo art, nema visokih zgrada, soli- tera... Uživala sam da se vozim tram- vajem, stanica nam je bila ispred ku- će. U saobraćaju se vidi krvna slika mentaliteta, tamo nema nervoznih vozača, ne koriste se sirene.
I t was a snowy day when I first arrived in Helsinki. In the VIP lounge we were awaited by representatives of the dip- lomatic corps. I quickly learned diplo- matic protocol. I remember 6 th December because on that day we were always at a reception in Helsinki’s Presidential Palace to commemorate Finnish National Day. We would shake hands with guests for three hours, with the atmosphere and scenery reminiscent of the theatre for me, because everyone was elegantly dressed, with the men’s costumes rented. We lived on Katajanokka, the island clos- est to the mainland, around a ten-minute walk from the city centre, in an apartment villa with a large yard for a stagecoach and a gate with arches, which was built by Rus- sians at the end of the 19 th century. There such tranquillity rules that you can hear the silence. Our household was led by a kind woman, so for the first time ever I felt like I didn’t have to be my own maestro of everything. It felt good that I wasn’t a pub- lic figure there. In their highest circulating newspaper,“Helsinki News”, I gave an inter- view about my work, culture and life in Ser- bia. After that I was interviewed twice in the Finnish media. In Helsinki, wherever you turn you end up on the coast of the sea. The city is excep- tionally clean, with the architecture predom- inantly art nouveau, no tall buildings, apart- ment blocks... I enjoyed riding on the tram, with a stop in front of our house. In traffic you see their calm mentality, there are no nervous drivers, nobody beeping their horns. The audience for cultural events is high- ly educated, because almost all schoolkids are in choirs and music sections. Classical
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