W hat does it look like to stand be- side Tesla in his hydroelectric power plant at Niagara Falls, to assist him in Colorado Springs or on the platforms of his Long Island tower; what was Tesla’s hotel room like in the famous “New Yorker”, and what was his vision, but also his contribution to the future? These scenes are part of the virtual reality exhibition“Expe- rience Tesla”, which can be seen in the virtual environment of the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade, as well as via a mobile app in English. With the help of virtual reality technolo- gy, to commemorate the 160th anniversary of the birth of Nikola Tesla last year, this exhi- bition was created to enable visitors to dive into Tesla’s world and familiarise themselves with his accomplishments. Direct Media do- nated this exhibition to the Nikola Tesla Mu- seum in the year that the company celebrates 15 years of success, while its cooperation with Digital Mind created a breakthrough in the use of technology for educational purposes, given that this exhibition is the only one of its kind in the world. Apart from at the Nikola Tesla Museum, this virtual reality exhibition is also available via the “Nikola Tesla Experience” mobile app in English, which can be downloaded using Google Play or the Apple App Store. - This is the story of Nikola Tesla and the huge legacy he left behind. It is told in a fresh way, probably in a way the scientist himself would perhaps like – different and innovative, through the use of a new technology whose reach we are still discovering. With an app for mobile phones and devices that support vir- tual reality technology, this extraordinary ex- perience is available to absolutely everyone, everywhere in the world. Modern technologies have brought art and science closer to every- one, and in this way we want to provide a re- minder that their use, for the benefit of socie- ty as a whole, was part of Tesla’s doctrine - says Jovan Stojanović, Director of Direct Media.. These are the reasons why this virtual re- ality exhibition is being shown at the world’s largest exhibition of energy, which is being held, with world leaders in attendance, in the capital of Kazakhstan and runs until 10th Sep- tember. The queues of visitors who had the opportunity to “experience Tesla” in the ear- ly days of the fair at the Serbia Pavilion, with the help of VR technology, showed that in- terest in this virtual museum project knows no bounds. Expo 2017 is being held under the slogan“Future Energy”, which symbolical- ly adds weight to the presentation of the“Ex- perience Tesla” project, given that this great scientist devoted his life to working on the energies of the future. For more information about the exhibi- tion, visit the website www.doziviteslu.com or www.nikolateslaexperience.com.
Želeli smo da podsetimo da je razvoj tehnologija za dobrobit cele planete bio deo, a verovatno i sam osnov Tesline doktrine, kaže Jovan Stojanović, direktor Direct Media We want to provide a reminder that the development of technology for the benefit of the entire planet was partly, and probably the very basis of Tesla’s doctrine,
says Jovan Stojanović, Director of Direct Media K ako izgleda stajati pored Tesle u njegovoj hidrocen- trali na Nijagarinim vodo- padima, asistirati mu u Kolorado Springsu ili na platfotmi tornja na Long Ajlendu, kakva je bila Teslina soba u čuvenom hotelu Nju- jorker , a kakva njegova vizija, ali i do- prinos budućnosti? Ovi prizori su deo izložbe u virtuelnoj realnosti Do- živi Teslu , koja se može videti u vir- tuelnom okruženju u Muzeju Nikole Tesle u Beogradu, kao i putem mo- bilne aplikacije na engleskom jeziku. Pomoću tehnologije virtuelne re- alnosti, za 160. godišnjicu rođenja Ni- kole Tesle prošle godine, kreirana je izložbena postavka u kojoj posetio- ci uranjaju u Teslin svet i upoznaju se sa njegovim dostignućima. Dire- ct Media je donirala ovu izložbu Mu- zeju Nikole Tesle u godini proslave 15 godina uspešnog poslovanja kom- panije, a saradnjom sa Digital Mind učinjen je iskorak u korišćenju tehno- logije u edukativne svrhe, budući da je ova izložba jedina te vrste u svetu. Osim u Muzeju Nikole Tesle, izložba u virtuelnoj realnosti dos- tupna je i putem mobilne aplikaci- je na engleskom jeziku Nikola Tesla Experience , koja se može skinuti pre- ko Google Play ili Apple App Store . – Ovo je priča o Nikoli Tesli i ogro- mnom nasleđu koje je ostavio iza se- be. Ispričana je na svež način, vero-
vatno onako kako bi i sam naučnik to možda voleo – drugačije i inovativ- no, kroz upotrebu jedne nove tehno- logije, čije domete još otkrivamo. Sa aplikacijom kreiranom za mobilne i uređaje koji podražavaju tehnologiju virtuelne realnosti ovo nesvakidašnje iskustvo dostupno je apsolutno svi- ma, svuda u svetu. Moderne tehno- logije približile su umetnost i nauku svima, a mi na ovaj način želimo da podsetimo da je njihova upotreba za dobrobit celog društva bila deo Te- sline doktrine – kaže Jovan Stojano- vić, direktor Direct Media . To su sve razlozi što je izložba u virtuelnoj realnosti prikazana na naj- većem sajmu energije, koji se u prisu- stvu svetskih lidera ove godine odr- žava u glavnom gradu Kazahstana i traje do 10. septembra. Redovi po- setilaca koji su u prvim danima saj- ma u paviljonu Srbije imali priliku da „dožive Teslu“ pomoću VR teh- nologije su pokazali da interesova- nje za ovaj projekat virtuelnog muze- ja ne poznaje granice. Expo 2017 se održava pod sloganom „Future ener- gy“, što na simboličan način daje na snazi prezentaciji projekta Doživi Te- slu , budući da je veliki naučnik svoj životni vek posvetio radu na ener- giji budućnosti. Više informacija o izložbi pročitajte na sajtu www.do- ziviteslu.com, odnosno www.nikola- teslaexperience.com.
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