Elevate April 2017 | Air Serbia

Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up



r Srbija dala je ime jednom od svojih


ir Serbia has named one of its aircraft after Goran

aviona po Goranu Bre- goviću. Bregović će ta- ko postati peti istaknu- ti građanin Srbije kome se, zbog nemerljivog do- prinosa srpskoj i svetskoj muzičkoj sceni, odaje pri- znanje u okviru programa „Žive legende“. Avion er- bas A319 , sa svojim no- vim imenom „Goran Bre- gović“ sveže utisnutim na trup aviona, predstavljen je na specijalnoj svečanosti u hangaru na Aerodromu Nikola Tesla u Beogradu. Programom „Žive le- gende“ odaje se priznanje

Bregović, the internationally-re- nowned musician and composer. Mr Bregović is the fifth Serbian cit- izen to be honoured as part of Air Serbia’s “Living Legends” initiative, for his immeasurable contribution to Serbian and world music. The Airbus A319, with“Goran Bregović”proudly emblazoned on the fuselage, was unveiled during a special ceremony in an aircraft hangar at NikolaTesla Airport.‎The “Living Legends” program pays tribute to Serbians who have ex- celled in their chosen profession and achieved international recog- nition, and has so far seen aircraft

građanima Srbije koji su se istakli u svojoj struci i stekli međunarod- nu slavu, a do sada su letelice dobile imena po teniskoj zvezdi Novaku Đokoviću, košarkašu Vladi Divcu, fudbaleru Dejanu Stankoviću, kao i zvezdi srpskog i evropskog glumišta Predragu Mikiju Manojloviću. Dane Kondić, generalni direktor Er Srbije , ovim povodom je izja- vio: „Goran Bregović autor je nekih od najpoznatijih pesama, koje se već decenijama vole i pevaju ne samo u Srbiji i regionu, već i širom planete i veoma nam je drago što avionu dajemo ime u njegovu čast.“ Goran Bregović je ovim povodom izjavio: „Kada sam bio mali, če- sto sam, kao i većina dece, sanjao da letim. I sada, kada sanjam, uvek letim. Posao mi je takav da polećem i slećem makar 200 puta godiš- nje. A jednom kada poletite, uvek gledate u nebo kada hodate. Valjda zato volim sve što ima veze sa avionima.“

named after tennis star Novak Djokovic, basketball player Vlade Di- vac, footballer Dejan Stanković, as well as Serbian and European ac- tor Predrag Miki Manojlović. Dane Kondić, Chief Executive Officer of Air Serbia, said: “Goran Bregović has composed some of the biggest songs of the past few decades, not only in Serbia, but in the region and all over the world, and we are delighted to name an aircraft in his honour”. Goran Bregović said:“When I was a small kid, I often dreamt about flying, like most children do. Now, when I’m asleep, my dreams are still always about flying. My job means that I have to take off and land at least 200 times per year. And once you’ve experienced the won- der of air travel, you’re always looking at the sky, even when you’re walking. I believe that is why I love everything related to aviation.”

Prestižni A330 leteo do Zagreba Prestigious A330 flies to Zagreb E A

r Srbija doprinela je otvaranju nove zgrade terminala na aerodromu u Za- grebu letom do hrvatske prestonice svojim širokotrupnim avionom A330. Avion sa 254 sedišta, koji inače redovno leti ka aerodro- mu Džon F. Kenedi u Njujorku, odleteo je do Zagreba i nazad 28. marta, a gosti su mogli da iskoriste specijalnu cenu povratne karte. Dane Kondić, generalni direktor Er Srbi- je , rekao je: „Zadovoljstvo nam je da obeleži- mo otvaranje novog terminala u Zagrebu le-

ir Serbia marked the operational opening of the new terminal building at Zagreb

Airport by deploying its wide-body Airbus A330 aircraft between Belgrade and Zagreb on 28th March. The 254-seat jet, which normally operates between Belgrade and New York JFK, flew to and from the Croatian capital with guests taking ad- vantage of very special return fares. Dane Kondić, Chief Executive Officer of Air Serbia, said: “We are pleased to mark the open- ing of the new terminal in Zagreb by operating our prestigious and unique A330 aircraft to the Croatian capital for that day only. It was great to see it on Croatian ground again”.

A330 na zagrebačkom aerodromu A330 at Zagreb Airport

tom koji je ka glavnom gradu Hrvatske samo tog dana obavio naš prestižni i jedinstveni avion A330. Lepo ga je bilo ponovo videti na hrvatskom tlu.“

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