Elevate October 2017 | Air Serbia


Kad stigne jesen, stigne i melan- holija. I onda svaka, pa i sitna radost, popravi dan, sve kraći i tmurniji. Gle- dati oko sebe širom otvorenih oči- ju, to je potrebno da bi se iskre rado- sti uočile, da bi nas oplemenile. Ako ste i vi melanholični ove jeseni, po- gledajte malo bolje oko sebe, možda uočite ružičasti balon na nebu, gra- fit pored koga svaki dan prolazite ne zastajkujući, vevericu na klupi u par- ku... A ako i dalje ne umete, zadržite se na ovoj fotografiji. Uvek je radost videti vevericu, tog najsimpatičnijeg i najvragolastijeg glodara na svetu. Pa makar i na slici.


When autumn arrives, melancholy ar- rives too. And then every joy, even a little one, brightens up the day, which grows shorter and darker. Look around with your eyes wide open, which is necessary to see these sparks of joy, in order for them to en- rich us. If you’re also feeling sad this au- tumn, take a slightly better look around yourself – you may spot a pink balloon in the sky, graffiti that you pass by every day without noticing, or a squirrel on a park bench... And if you’re still incapable of find- ing joy, hold your gaze on this photo. It’s always a joy to see a squirrel, the world’s most lovable and playful rodent, even if only in a picture.

Fotografija / Photography Nenad Mihajlović

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