Dizni na ledu : Čarobna kraljevstva
Disney on Ice: Magic kingdom After a break of four years, Disney on Ice brings us the new Magic Kingdom show, featuring four Disney stories-spectacle on ice that arrives at the Belgrade Kombank Arena on 13 th , 14 th and 15 th October. The Magical Kingdom presents the favo- urite characters from Cars, the Little Mermaid and Toy Story 3, along with Mickey Mouse, Mini Mo- use, Donald Duck and Goofy. These beloved cha- racters are joined in Belgrade by the stars of Di- sney’s film Frozen.
Dizni na ledu nam posle četiri godine dovodi no- vu predstavu Čarobna kraljevstva , četiri Diznijeve priče-spektakla na ledu, koje stižu u Beograd 13. 14. i 15. oktobra u Kombank arenu . Čarobna kra - ljevstva predstavljaju omiljene likove iz Automo - bila , Male sirene , Priče o igračkama 3 , zajedno sa Mikijem Mausom, Mini Maus, Pajom Patkom i Ši- ljom. Uz ove drage likove dolaze nam i zvezde Di- znijevog filma Zaleđeno kraljevstvo . Džez vizije na 33. festivalu
Jazz vision at the 33 rd Festival The 33 rd Belgrade Jazz Festival, under the slogan “Jazz Vision”, will feature a number of the most important contemporary names of world jazz from 26 th to 30 th October, including Joshua Redman, Donny McCaslin, Marc Ribot and The Young Philadelphians, from the States, as well as Jan Lundgren, Jakob Bro, Ma- rius Neset, and Mats Eilertsen with the band Rubicon. The evening of Saturday 28 th October will be particularly important at Belgrade’s Dom Omladine Youth Centre, as the main guest performers will be two of the best new artists – Italy’s Giovanni Guidi and France’s Emile Parisien! The Belgrade Jazz Festival will aga- in run for five days this year, with a double concert programme every evening, in the halls of the Belgrade Youth Centre and the Sava Centre, presenting more than 20 ensembles from Serbia and around the world.
Na 33. Beogradskom džez festivalu, pod sloganom Džez vizije , od 26. do 30. oktobra nastupiće niz najvažnijih savremenih imena svetskog džeza, među kojima su i Džošua Redman, Doni Mekaslin, Mark Ribo i Jang Filadel - fijans iz Amerike, kao i Jan Lundgren, Jakob Bro, Marijus Neset, te Mats Ej- lertsen sa grupom Rubikon . Subota, 28. oktobar, biće posebno važno fe- stivalsko veče u Domu omladine Beograda, jer će glavni gosti biti dva najbolja nova umetnika – Đovani Gvidi iz Italije i Emil Parizijen iz Francu- ske! Beogradski džez festival će i ove godine trajati pet dana, sa dvostru- kim koncertnim programom svake večeri, u salama Doma omladine Beo- grada i u Centru Sava , a predstaviće se više od 20 sastava iz Srbije i sveta.
Premijera mjuzikla Fantom iz Opere Fantom iz Opere važi za najpopularniji i najkompleksni- ji mjuzikl u celini, stoga je dobijanje licence za njego- vo izvođenje istinsko priznanje za svako pozorište i po- tvrda visokog nivoa dostignutog standarda izvođenja, ističu u teatru. Uloga Fantoma poverena je Slobodanu Stefanoviću, u alternaciji sa Nikolom Bulatovićem, za Kristin je izabrana sedamnaestogodišnja Marta Hadži- manov, u alternaciji sa Mirjanom Matić, dok ulogu Kar- lote tumače Snežana Savičić Sekulić, prvakinja Opere Narodnog pozorišta u Beogradu, i Mirjana Stojanović. Režija beogradske verzije Fantoma iz Opere poverena je Jugu Radivojeviću, koji je na sceni Pozorišta na Tera - zijama do sada postavio već dva mjuzikla – Producenti i Mama mija! . Premijera je zakazana za 7. oktobar.
Premiere performance of the Phantom of the Opera The Phantom of the Opera is considered the most popular and complex musical in its entirety. As such, gaining a license to per- form it is a genuine recognition for every theatre that confirms it has achived a high standard of performance, say representatives of Terazije Theatre. The role of the Phantom has been entrusted to Slobodan Stefanović, in rotation with Nikola Bulatović, while se- venteen-year-old Marta Hadžimanov has been selected to play Christina, in alternation with Mirjana Matić, and the role of Carlo- tta is interpreted by Snežana Savičić Sekulić and Mirjana Stojano- vić. The direction of the Belgrade version of The Phantom of the Opera has been entrusted to Jug Radivojević, who has already sta- ged two musicals at Terazije Theatre: The Producers and Mamma Mia! The premiere is scheduled for 7 th October.
Celebration of books at the Belgrade Fair The main spot in the Southeast Eu- rope’s calendar of cultural events at the end of October has for decades belonged to the International Belgra- de Book Fair. This event, the largest in the region dedicated to books, de- als with the promotion of literary creativity and education, cultural ex- changes with foreign countries and the launch of books dealing with cu- rrent literary and social issues. Infor- mally known as the holiday of the book, the Book Fair will – from 22 nd to 29 th October – again host the most prominent Serbian writers and nu- merous foreign authors and publis- hers, who will present their previous publications and latest creations.
Belgrade design week This annual gathering of Sout- heast Europe’s creative industry will see graphic design, archite- cture, advertising, music, digital media, TV, publishing, fine ar- ts, film and other forms related
Beogradska nedelja dizajna Godišnje mesto susreta kreativne industrije jugoistočne Evrope. Predstavljanje grafičkog dizajna, arhitekture, reklama, muzike, digitalnih medija, TV, izdavaštva, likovne umetnosti, filma i drugih formi povezanih sa dizajnom.
Praznik knjige na Beogradskom sajmu U kalendaru kulturnih dešavanja jugoistočne Evrope centralno mesto krajem oktobra već decenijama pripada Međunarodnom beogradskom sajmu knjiga. Ova regionalno najveća manifestacija posvećena knjizi bavi se promocijom književnog stvaralaštva i obrazovanja, kulturnom razmenom sa inostranstvom i pokretanjem aktuelnih književnih i društvenih pitanja. Neformalno poznat kao praznik knjige, Sajam knjiga će i ove godine od 22. do 29. oktobra ugostiti najznačajnije domaće i brojne inostrane pisce i izdavače, koji predstavljaju svoja stara izdanja i aktuelnu produkciju.
to design being presented. Bel- grade will beco- me the centre for young crea- tive people from all over Sout- heast Europe to gather for the fourth time from 6 th to 11 th Octo- ber.
Beograd će četvrti put postati centar okupljanja mladih kreativnih ljudi iz cele jugoistočne Evrope od 6. do 11. oktobra.
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