„FADO KUĆE“ SU OBAVEZNE U LISABONU Ako dođemo u Lisabon, koja mesta moramo posetiti? Otkrij nam barem jedno mesto na kojem se izvodi sjajan fado? Negde u četvrti Alfama? – Ako posetite Lisabon, ne smete preskočiti pogled sa centralnog zamka, koji je veoma star, i sa njega se pruža predivan pogled na čitav grad. Šetnje ulicama, četvrtima oko zamka i Alfa- me, gde je arhitektura zapanjujuća, drevna, a istovremeno veoma tipična. Morate prošeta- ti pored reke kako biste videli neke od restorana, odakle se mogu posmatrati mostovi kada je vreme sunčano. „Fado kuće“ su obavezne, mogu da predložim Mesa de Frades u Alfami, gde imam mnogo prijatelja koji tamo pevaju i mesto je zaista veoma tradicionalno i autentično. Ta- kođe, ne smete propustiti poznati pastel de nata, kolač na koji smo veoma ponosni. IN LISBON, YOU HAVE TO GO TO A FADO HOUSE If we come to Lisbon, what are the city’s “must-sees”? Tell us at least one place where great fado is performed? Somewhere in the district of Alfama? - If you visit Lisbon you must not miss the view from the central Castle, which is very old and beautiful and has a view of the entire city, and strolling through the streets and neighbourhoods of the Castle and Alfama district, because it has beautiful architecture that is old and very spe- cic. You have to go to the riverside to see some of those restaurants where you can appreciate the bridge and sunny days. You have to go to a Fado house, I can recommend ‘Mesa De Frades’ in Alfama, where I have a lot of friends who sing, and which is still very traditional and authentic. You also mustn’t miss the famous ‘Pastel de nata’, which is a kind of mini custard tart, a dessert of which we’re very proud.
rektno o onome što se dešava. Tako su oni pevali kako bi izbacili iz sebe sva lo- ša osećanja i ansksioznost, govorili su o ljubavi i vezama, čak i o svađama – ra- spravljali su se kroz fado koristeći „im- provizovane pesme“. Za mene je to način preživljavanja, opstanak u koji unosim celu svoju dušu i život i on tako posta- je odraz umetnosti. Šta je to što ovaj muzički žanr po- seduje, pa se čini toliko bliskim? Znaš da su ljudi u gotovo celom svetu omađijani emocijama ko- je ta muzika budi? – Magičan je, ne znam kako da obja- snim to što ljudi širom sveta žele da ga slušaju iako ne razumeju jezik ili tekst, ali osećaju nešto. Verujem da ulažemo neku vrstu energije u svaku reč, koja je istinita i u potpunosti ispunjena emo- cijama. To je zapravo način da ispriča- mo našu priču, nešto što se dogodilo unutar nas samih. Kakvu još muziku voliš da slušaš? Imaš li omiljene pevače izvan gra- nica sveta fada? – Naravno, volim muziku iz čitavog sveta. Veoma cenim razne vrste muzi- ke. Volim muziku iz Brazila, bosa novu, sve njene pevače... Upravo sam objavila album na kojem sam pevala pesme To- ma Žobima, jednog od najvećih u brazil- skom žanru. Imam i svoje najveće mu- zičare, dive koje mnogo cenim, poput Nine Simon i Ele Ficdžerald. A u Portu- galu takođe imamo razne vrste muzike, poput roka ili folka. Volim irsku muzi- ku, afričku, veliki sam fan muzike sa Ze- lenortskih ostrva, tanga iz Argentine... Reci nam nešto o Portugalu, ne- što što možda niko ne zna? – Portugal je veoma posebna zemlja, veoma stara zemlja sa mnoštvom tra- dicija. Otkrili smo pola sveta, nauči- li Japance tempuri, istina je. I imamo više od 2.000 kilometara obale i pre- divno vreme. Mi smo mala zemlja, ali imamo veoma raznoliku prirodu, pla- že, šume, ali i planine. Može se reći da smo kompletni. Hrana je neverovatna, a pritom imamo ovu predivnu muziku zvanu fado. Fado je magična muzika. To je zapravo način da ispričamo našu priču, nešto što se dogodilo unutar nas samih Fado is magic music. It’s there to tell a true story about us, about something that happened inside of us.
What did she teach you about and did you have any other role models? - My mother is my rst inspiration. She taught me a lot about poems, words and how to choose my lyrics; lyrics that I truly understood in order to be authen- tic when singing. But I always had other fado singers and poets that inspired me, because my mother had a fado house where I met Amália Rodrigues and Beat- riz da Conceição, who were real role mod- els to me and taught me a lot about fado, but also about life and respect for elders and the most experienced, and the cul- ture we represent. Fado - what does it even mean to you; how would you relate that to those of us who didn’t grow up in Portugal? - For me fado is all about emotion. Fado was born to let singers who lived in the poorest neighbourhoods express themselves and let others know about their lives without saying what was hap- pening. So they sang to dispel negative feelings or anxiety, to express love or talk about relationships and even ghts - they argued through fado using “desgarrada”, which is like a singing battle between two or more singers, improvising the lyrics. So, for me, it is a way to survive and put my soul and life into artistic expression. It’s a way to survive. What is it that this genre of music has that is close to most people, be- cause people are left enchanted by that emotion almost everywhere around the world? - It’s magical. I don’t know how to ex- plain why people all over the world want
to listen to this genre, even if they don’t understand the language and the lyrics, but they feel something because I believe that we put some energy into each word, with truth and with all that emotion. So, it’s there to tell a true story about us, about something that happened inside of us. What other types of music do you like; do you have favourite singers beyond the world of fado? - Of course! I love music from all over the world. I appreciate so much a lot of dif- ferent kinds of music. I like Brazilian mu- sic, bossa nova, all the singers… I just re- leased an album singing with Tom Jobim, one of the biggest stars of the Brazilian genre. And also American jazz and clas- sical music. I have my favourite singers, divas who I really appreciate, like Nina Si- mone, Ella Fitzgerald etc. I like Irish mu- sic, African music, and also Tango from Argentina… I listen to a lot of music and I’m completely fascinated by languages and roots. Tell us something about your country, perhaps something nobody knows… - Portugal is a very special country. We have existed for more than a thou- sand years, so it’s a very old country with a lot of traditions; we“discovered”half the world. We taught tempura to the Japanese people, it’s true! And we have more than 2,000 kilometres of coastlines, with beau- tiful weather. We are a small country, but we have lots of dierent kinds of nature, beaches, forests, and also mountains. We are very complete. The food is incredible. And we have this beautiful kind of music that is fado.
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