Najveće svetske zvezde svake godine dolaze na ovaj prestižni festival The world’s
postwar conditions. German films had a particlarly hard time gaining favour with the public or the press. It would be 1955 before a German film won the German festival’s top prize. Robert Siod- mak’s adaption of Hauptmann’s Die Rat- ten (The Rats), starring a young Ma- ria Schell, was voted the best film by the audience (until 1956, the Berlina- le was prohibited from having a jury by the international film body FIAPF, with juries reserved exclusively for the festivals in Cannes and Venice.) Anoth- er problem was the east/west divide of Germany and Berlin itself. Although the Berlin Wall wasn’t erected until 1961, the German film industry had already been split by the Cold War. Not many people know that the big- gest German film festival came about as a result of the efforts of an American. Oscar Martay (1920-1995) was a “film officer” with the U.S. Army stationed in Berlin. It was at his suggestion that a committee met on 9 th October 1950 to set up the Berlin International Film Festival. He was one of the first recipi- ents of the festival’s now-famous Gold- en Bear award, which he received in 1951 in recognition of his efforts. Af- ter leaving the army, Martay remained in Germany and found work in film production. The Berlinale received a brand new festival venue in 1957: with the Zoo Pa- last Kino opposite the Zoologischer Gar- ten train station becoming the large in- ner city festival cinema in West Berlin. The Zoo Palast would remain the Ber- linale’s central location until the festi- val moved to Potsdamer Platz in 2000. Although it began as a summertime fes- tival, the Berlinale has taken place in February since 1978 and is today con- sidered the world’s largest in terms of attendance figures. Although it is often difficult to get tickets for certain films, most of the Berlin festival’s screenings are open to the public. In conjunction with the 60th Ber- linale, the City of Berlin unveiled its new Boulevard of the Stars, with the unveil- ing of the first of 40 planned stars de- voted to actors and filmmakers from the German-speaking film and TV in- dustry. The very first star on Berlin’s walk of fame honours German-Amer- ican actress Marlene Dietrich.
biggest stars come to this prestigious festival every year
Zoo-palast je bio centralno mesto Berlinala do preseljenja festivala na Potsdamer plac 2000. The Zoo Palast would remain the Berlinale’s central location until the festival moved to Potsdamer Platz in 2000
Berlinale se od 1978. održava u februaru i danas se smatra najvecim na svetu po posecenosti The Berlinale has taken place in February since 1978 and is today considered the world’s largest in terms of attendance figures
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