Prelazak na Sabre sistem 2017. godine to the Sabre system in 2017 Transition
A irlines connect distant places on the planet, bringing our fami- ly, friends or business partners closer. It is for this reason that the work of Serbia’s national airline, Air Serbia, involves much more than just fly- ing. And so this 17 th June we remember our magnificent beginnings, when on the same date some 90 years ago, in the Palace of the Adriatic-Danube Bank in Belgrade, Aeroput was founded as the country’s first joint-stock company for civil aviation. Aeroput was then also among the world’s first civilian airlines. At the time it was established, it was the 10 th such com- pany in Europe and the 21 st in the world. That company founded in 1927, which was originally known as Aeroput and then, from 1947, as JAT, is the eighth oldest airline in the world that still exists. Air Serbia has con- tinued this magnificent journey, carrying on the great legacy of its predecessors. The Serbian airline welcomes the 90 th anniver- sary of Serbian aviation as the proud winner of the 2017 Aviation Market Leader prize, which is awarded by Air Transport World (ATW), the world’s leading media monitor- ing developments in airlines worldwide. While celebrating this jubilee, Air Ser- bia will be able to boast of the fact that it is still writing history to this day. Vesna Alek- sić always dreamt of flying for the nation- al airline, and with her arrival at Air Serbia she not only realized that goal, but also be- came the first woman to hold the position of captain in our history. And as if that wer- en’t enough, she entered the annals of his- tory again on 10 th May this year, when the flight from Belgrade to Paris marked the first departure of a plane from Belgrade Airport with a completely female crew. Today it is easy to talk about the suc- cesses that we witness every day, but on 1 st August 2013 it was difficult to predict how significant that date would become. That day saw the laying of foundations that
The arrival of the A319 aircraft at Nikola Tesla International Airport on 26 th October 2013 marked the start of the extraordinary transformation of JAT into Air Serbia Dolazak aviona A319 na međunarodni aerodrom Nikola Tesla 26. oktobra 2013. bio je početak izvanredne transformacije JAT-a u Er Srbiju
prvog aviona A319 i njegovo spušta- nje na međunarodni aerodrom Niko- la Tesla 26. oktobra 2013. bio je poče- tak ostvarenja ove vizije. Danas kompanija sa izuzetnom prošlošću nastavlja ubrzani razvoj i ostvaruje sve bolje pozicije u sekto- ru komercijalnog vazduhoplovstva. Sa redovnim letovima ka sve većem broju destinacija, rastućom flotom sa- vremenih aviona, globalnom mrežom partnera i stalnim porastom putnika i prihoda Er Srbija svakodnevno doka- zuje da je zaslužan naslednik JAT-ove ponosne tradicije. Tome svakako do- prinosi pokretanje direktnih letova za Njujork u junu 2016. godine, čime je Er Srbija postala jedina avio-kompa- nija u jugoistočnoj Evropi koja nudi transatlantske letove za SAD. I ma koliko sve to bilo značajno za Srbiju, za vazduhoplovstvo i razvoj na svim nivoima, u korenu uspeha dugog 90 godina stoji putnik. Gost u avionu Er Srbije je neprikosnove- ni razlog da se avio-kompanija trudi i prilagođava, raste i napreduje, o če- mu najbolje svedoče reči Daneta Kon- dića, generalnog direktora nacional- nog avio-prevoznika. – Putnik je naš gost, on je u cen- tru pažnje svega što radimo i svi za- posleni u Er Srbiji su u službi putni- ka. Naš cilj je ambiciozan, ali jasan i dostižan, želimo da Er Srbija postane i ostane vodeća avio-kompanija u re- gionu, da bude široko prepoznata po vrhunskoj usluzi koju pruža svojim gostima. U svetu i delatnosti u koji- ma su problemi pravilo, a klijenti ni- kada nisu imali veći izbor, za nas gost i dalje ostaje u središtu svega što ra- dimo. Mi postojimo zbog vas. U ime svih zaposlenih Er Srbije zahvaljuje- mo vam se što letite sa nama – kaže Dane Kondić.
Vlade Divac i Dejan Stanković dobijaju avione
Vlade Divac and Dejan Stanković got their own planes
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