Elevate June 2017 | Air Serbia

Na putu / On the road


WHAT DO YOU ALWAYS CARRY WITH YOU? Sva moja putovanja povezana su sa trkama, pa zato sa sobom uvek nosim kacigu i kompletnu trkačku opremu – patike, odelo, specijalne dukser gaće i majicu, rukavice i potkapu. Sa mnom je uvek i laptop i „goPro“ kamera jer bez svega toga ne mogu da vozim trku. Sa mnom na putovanja ide i supruga, pa sve to podelimo u dva prtljaga All of my travels are related to racing, so I always carry with me my helmet and complete racing equipment – shoes, suit, special insulated pants and t-shirt, gloves and a balaclava. I also always have with me my laptop and “GoPro” camera, because I can’t race without all of that. My wife also goes with me on my travels, so we divide all of that into two pieces of luggage ŠTA UVEK NOSIŠ SA SOBOM? Tekst / Words: Biljana Stefanović Fotografije / Photography: Mitar Mitrović

KO JE DUŠAN? Retko ko je tako zaljubljen u svoj posao kao ovaj Pančevac. Dušan je u petoj go- dini vozio motocikl, a u šestoj auto. Uz oca je naučio sve o automobilima i bio je siguran da će jednog dana biti profe- sionalni automobilista. Osvojio je 12 na- cionalnih šampionskih titula, tri Zlatne kacige i postao najmlađi osvajač Dija- mantske kacige . Danas je član NIS rej- sing tima i prvak Evrope. Ali ništa od to- ga ne smatra najvećim uspehom, već to što je posle toliko udesa i trka i dalje živ i zdrav.

WHO IS DUŠAN? Few are as in love with their job as this Panče- vo native. Dušan first drove a motorbike at the age of five and a car when he was six. Alongside his fa- ther, he learned everything about cars and was cer- tain that he would one day become a professional racing driver. He has won 12 national champion- ship titles, three Golden helmets and become the youngest winner of the Diamond helmet. Today he is a member of the NIS Racing team and a Europe- an champion. But he doesn’t consider any of that as his greatest success, but rather the fact that after so many accidents and races he is still alive and well.

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