Elevate June 2017 | Air Serbia


Tamo se viđam s prijateljima, ali nažalost tokom godine toliko mi je gust raspored da sve ređe imam priliku da se opustim i uživam sa dragim ljudima. AUTOKOMERC KARTING CENTAR Na ovom mestu provodim dosta vreme- na. Tu treniram između trka. Ovaj centar ima jedan specijalni brzi karting samo za mene, pa neretko pravo s aerodroma svra- tim tamo.



SKADARLIJA BOHEMIAN QUARTER I gather there with friends, but unfortunately my schedule is so busy throughout the year that I increasingly rarely have the opportunity to relax and enjoy myself with people who are dear to me. AUTOKOMERC KARTING CENTRE I spend a lot of time at this place. I train there between races. This centre has a special fast kart just for me, so I often stop by there straight from the airport.

GDE ŽIVE NAJBOLJI VOZAČI? Beograđani često zadirkuju Pančevce da su očajni vozači. Kad to čujem, sa- mo se nasmejem. Mislim da su to pre- drasude, a ja bih voleo da vidim Beo- građane kako voze kad, na primer, odu u Pariz. Šalu na stranu, mislim da su Srbi kulturni vozači. Ipak, najbolji vo- zači su u Švajcarskoj, Singapuru i Ja- panu. Tamo nijednu sirenu nisam čuo!

WHERE DO THE BEST DRIVERS LIVE? Belgraders often tease people from Pančevo for being terrible drivers. I just laugh when I hear this. I think that is a form of preju- dice, and I’d like to see how Belgraders drive when, for example, they go to Paris. Joking aside, I think Serbs are cultured drivers. How- ever, the best drivers are in Switzerland, Sin- gapore and Japan. I’ve never heard any si- rens in those places.

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