Mediala u galeriji RTS-a U Galeriji RTS-a pogledajte izložbu Mediala: Nekad i sad . Autorke Biljana Jotić i Maja Živanović predstavljaju de- la jezgra grupe i dela umetnika koji su inspiraciju u stva- ralaštvu pronašli u temeljima Mediale. Izložba je otvo- rena do 18. juna. Mediala at the RTS Gallery At the RTS Gallery you can see the exhibition ‘Medi- ala: Then and Now’. Authors Biljana Jotić and Maja Živanović present the works of the core of the group and works of artists who found inspiration for their creativity in the foundations of Mediala. This exhibi- tion runs until 18 th June. Well, here’s a real treat for all those who love Darko Rundek. To mark the 20th anniversary of the release of his first solo album, Apocalypso, Darko has again brought together a large band for a regional tour. The tour kicks off on 15th June with a concert in Belgrade’s Tašmajdan Stadium. The concert starts at 8pm. Darko Rundek na Tašu E, ovo je prava poslastica za sve one koji vole Darka Rundeka. Povodom 20 godina od izlaska njegovog prvog samostalnog albuma Apocalypso , Darko je ponovo okupio veliki bend za regionalnu turneju. Kreću 15. juna koncertom na Stadionu Tašmajdan u Beogradu. Koncert počinje u 20. Darko Rundek at Taš
Izložba o Oliveri Marković U Jugoslovenskoj kinoteci pogledajte izložbu o Oli- veri Marković, jednoj od najomiljenijih srpskih glu- mica. Izložba će biti otvorena tri meseca. Olivera Marković Exhibition Check out the exhibition covering the life of Olivera Mark- ović, one of Serbia’s most popular actresses, at the Yugo- slav Cinematheque Film Archives. The exhibition will run for three months. Šansone pod vedrim nebom Iz Francuske, prestonice romatike i šansona, 24. juna nam dolazi čuveni bosa-nova sastav Nouvelle Vague . Koncert će biti održan ispred Muzeja Jugoslavije . Svetski poznati muzičari prvi put će nastupiti u Beogradu, a u okviru svetske turneje na kojoj promovišu svoj novi album I Could Be Happy . Koncert počinje u 21. Chanson under an open sky Arriving from France, the capital of romance and chanson songs, on 24th June will be famous bossa nova band Nouvelle Vague. The concert will be held in front of the Museum of Yugoslavia. These world famous musicians will perform in Belgrade within the context of their world tour promoting the new album I Could Be Happy. The concert starts at 9pm.
Ministry in Belgrade for the first time One of the most significant in- dustrial metal bands of all time, Ministry, will stage a concert in Belgrade on 4th June at Baru- tani. These guys from Chicago are said to represent a bridge between alternative rock and punk, on one side, and the sound of new industrial met- al on the other. The party starts at 9pm. tani . Za ove momke iz Či- kaga kažu da predstavljaju most između alternativnog roka i panka sa jedne i no- vog industrijal metal zvuka sa druge strane. Žurka po- činje u 21. Ministry prvi put u Beogradu Jedan od najznačajnijih me- tal bendova svih vreme- na Ministry održaće koncert u Beogradu 4. juna u Baru -
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