Beogradska internacionalna nedelja arhitekture Šesnaesto izdanje Beogradske in- ternacionalne nedelje arhitektu- re BINA biće održano od 22. apri- la do 20. maja 2021. u organizaciji Društva arhitekata Beograda i Kul- turnog centra Beograda. U foku- su ovogodišnjeg BINA programa je Beogradska škola stanovanja, ko- ja svojom širinom obuhvata brojne podteme bliske kako stručnjacima, tako i najširoj publici i neposrednim korisnicima, to jest stanarima. BINA se ove godine realizuje kroz četiri programske celine, a namera organizatora je da se kroz niz pro- gramskih formata – izložbi, preda- vanja, pratećih programa i temat- skih šetnji, predstave kvalitetna ostvarenja koja su realizovana u oblasti arhitekture, sa posebnim osvrtom na Beograd i region, kao i na doprinos i domete koji su doma- će arhitekte postigle u sferi savre- menog stanovanja. Svi programi BINA su besplatni. BINA besplatne tematske šetnje kroz arhitekturu grada čine pose- ban segment i namenjene su najši- roj publici. Osim tradicionalnih šet- nji kroz arhitekturu Beograda, i ove godine planirana su dva arhitek- tonska izleta, u Pančevo i Suboti- cu. Više informacija:
The 16 th instalment of Belgrade Inter- national Architecture Week (BINA) will be held from 22 nd April to 20 th May 2021, under the organisation of the Association of Belgrade Architects and the Cultural Centre of Belgrade. This year's BINA programme focuses on the Belgrade School of Housing, which – with its breadth – encom- passes numerous sub-topics that are close to both experts and the broad- est public and immediate users, i.e. residents. This year's BINA is to be implement- ed through four programme units, with organisers intending to pres- ent high-quality achievements in the field of architecture through spe- cial programme formats - exhibi- tions, lectures, ancillary programmes and thematic walking tours, with spe- cial reference to Belgrade and the re- gion, as well as the contributions and achievements of domestic architects in the domain of modern housing. All BINA programmes are free of charge. BINA walks, which are free themed walking tours through the architec- ture of the city, form a special seg- ment and are intended for the wid- er public. Alongside traditional walks through the architecture of Belgrade, this year's plans also include two ar- chitectural excursions to Pančevo and Subotica. For more information visit
able brick structures with sloping roofs were a way to return to the traditional Serbian house in natural sur- roundings. Pedestrian streets and small squares follow the configuration of the terrain with their shape and spatial positioning, with appreciation for isolation and viewing areas in the function of creating a series of di- verse micro environments. That's why a priority is giv- en to the preservation of nature and residential build- ing solutions that are in conjunction with the features of the landscape, which provides the entire area with the quality of an eco-friendly settlement with a recog- nisable environmental identity. The Cerak Vinogradi settlement best represents the synthesis of the natural environment and architecture, while the streets are also named after the species of trees planted along them: Kestenova [Chestnut] Street, Lipa [Linden] Street, Breza [Birch] Street, Crveni hrastova [Red Oaks] Street and others, as one more way of rais- ing awareness of nature in urban areas. Under the auspices of the exhibition “Toward a Con- crete Utopia: Architecture in Yugoslavia, 1948-1980”, which was held at New York's Museum of Modern Art in 2019, the Cerak Vinogradi settlement was presented to the international public as one of the top achievements of Yugoslav residential architecture, and thus became part of MoMa's permanent exhibition. The exhibition “Cer- ak_40 years later”, by project author and curator Mileni- ja Marušić, will be displayed in the window of the Cul- tural Centre of Belgrade, on the city's Republic Square, as part of Belgrade International Architecture Week.
Šesnaesto izdanje Bine biće održano od 22. aprila do 20. maja The 16 th instalment of BINA will be held from 22 nd April to 20 th May
Belgrade » Beograd | 63
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