Elevate April 2021 | Air Serbia



DEVIL’S TOWN Devil’s Town is an unusual rock for- mation, created by soil erosion, that's located near the town of Kuršumlija in South-eastern Ser- bia. Local legend has it that the strangely shaped rocks are the re- mains of a wedding party that was instantaneously petrified by the devil, as punishment. According to another legend, however, it was a witch who lived there that turned everyone who didn’t do as she said to rock. There are a total of 202 of these strange rock formations in Devil’s Town, varying between two and 15 metres in height. Đavolja varoš Đavolja varoš je neobična sten- ska formacija stvorena erozijom tla u blizini grada Kuršumlije, na ju- goistoku Srbije. Lokalna legen- da kaže da kamenje neobičnog oblika predstavlja svatove koje je đavo okamenio kao kaznu. Dru- ga legenda kaže da je tamo žive- la veštica koja je pretvorila u ste- ne one koji nisu uradili ono što je rekla. Ukupno postoje 202 kame- ne formacije visoke između dva i 15 metara.

Ukupno postoje 202 kamene formacije visoke između dva i 15 metara There are a total of 202 of these strange rock formations, varying between two and 15 metres in height


Nacionalni park Tara Tara se nalazi u zapadnoj Srbiji. Oču- vano prirodno okruženje, planinski predeo visine između 800 i 1.500 metara, bogatstvo i raznolikost bilja- ka i životinja, prijatna klima, reka Dri- na i veštačka jezera Peruć ac i Za- ovine čine ovu planinu jednom od najlepših u našoj zemlji. Ovde posto- je čak 53 vrste sisara. Najzanimljivi- ji su medvedi, ali ima i 135 vrsta ptica, među kojima se izdvajaju ugrožene vrste kao što su orao, soko i druge. TARA NATIONAL PARK Tara is located in Western Serbia. With its preserved natural environ- ment, a mountain relief varying be- tween heights of 800 to 1,500 me- tres, rich and diverse plant and animal life, a pleasant climate, the river Drina and the artificial Perućac and Zaovine

Ovde postoje čak 53 vrste sisara. Najzanimljiviji su medvedi, ali ima i 135 vrsta ptica Tara is home to 53 different species of mammal, the most interesting of which are bears, but there are also 135 species of bird

lakes, this mountain is one of the most beautiful in our country. It is home to 53 different species of mammal, the most interest- ing of which are bears, but there are also 135 species of bird here. And the most interesting of them are endangered species like the golden eagle, peregrine falcon and others.

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