Septembar je mesec u kojem se širom Srbije u krajevima poznatim po vinarstvu i vinogradarstvu nizom manifestacija obeležava početak berbe grožđa. Vinski podrumi su tih dana otvoreni za goste i u njima mogu da se degustiraju najkvalitetnija vina, a organizuju se i razni kulturno-zabavni sadržaji poput karnevala, viteških turnira, koncerata... September is the month when events are held to mark the start of the grape harvest in regions throughout Serbia known for winemaking and winegrowing. During those days, wine cellars open their doors for guests to come and sample the best quality wines, while various cultural and entertainment activities are organised, such as carnivals, knights’ tournaments, concerts etc. U SLAVU VINA I GROŽĐA IN THE GLORY OF WINE AND GRAPES
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Flying is better when someone awaits you Take advantage of the Meet & Assist service to ensure the easiest and most comfortable journey. An Air Serbia representative will accompany you through all formal procedures at the airport and ensure that your arrival, transit and/or departure is just as pleasant. … kad vas neko čeka Iskoristite Meet & Assist uslugu za što prijatnije i jednostavnije putovanje. Predstavnik Er Srbije će biti uz vas tokom obavljanja svih formalnosti na aerodromu i postaraće se za to da vaš dolazak, tranzit i/ili odlazak bude podjednako prijatan.
Tekst / Words: Ana Kalaba Fotografije / Photography: Đorđe Radivojević, Lazar Katančević, Promo, iStock
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