O moru koje kao platno stoji pred njim, o studentskim danima i pariskom životu sa Kosom Bokšan, o tome zašto nije želeo da ima posla sa budalama i budućim budalama, ali uvek, pa i ovog puta, najviše o slikarstvu, njegovom jedinom poroku, kojim je, kako kaže, zauvek zarobljen...
About the sea that stretches before him like a canvas, about student days and life in Paris with Kosa Bokšan, about why he did not want to have anything to do with fools and future fools, and always, including this time, about painting, his only vice, to which, as he says, he is forever enslaved...
Tekst / Words: Ana Vodinelić, Jazmina Klanica Fotografije / Photography: Oliver Bunić
S likarstvo je mnogo ozbiljna stvar, a moja sudbina. Nema ničeg lepšeg kad slika kre- ne... Svet nastaje tada, kaže Petar Omčikus, slikar, na početku razgovora za Elevejt . – Gotovo da sam od rođenja po- čeo da slikam. Bila je to moja prva ljubav. Rođen sam na Sušaku, kod Ri- jeke, šarao sam crteže morskog pre- dela kao dečak. More je stajalo kao platno ispred mene. I miris mora, od kojeg i sada zadrhtim od sreće. Sum- njam da bih išta drugo umeo dobro da radim i srećom da nisam imao di- lemu šta će mi biti profesija. Živite u Beogradu, bez mora. Volite li reke? – Volim ih i liče mi na more, sa- mo manje. Oseća se da je nekad tu bilo Panonsko more. Kad ste prvi put videli druge predele, svet? – Imao sam dva starija brata i kad su počeli da studiraju u Beogra- du, ja sam im se pridružio. Rijeka
P ainting is a very serious thing, and my destiny. There’s nothing more beautiful than when painting starts... The world is created then, says painter Peter Omčikus at the beginning of this interview for Elevate. - I started painting almost from birth. It was my first love. I was born in Sušak near Ri- jeka, and I did drawings of seascapes as a boy. The sea stretched like a canvas in front of me. And the scent of the sea, which even now makes me tremble with happiness. I doubt I’d have been able to do anything else well, and luckily I didn’t have a dilemma about what my profession would be. You live in Belgrade, without the sea. Do you like rivers? I love them and to me they look like the sea, only smaller. You can feel that the Pan- nonian Sea was once there. When did you see other regions of the world for the first time? I had two older brothers and when they started studying in Belgrade, I joined them. Rijeka was a province at the time when I was born. In the newspaper, there were also art
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