Elevate September 2017 | Air Serbia

Belgija - Top 11 / Belgium - Top 11

S vake godine izlazi 5.000 novih naslova i zbog toga se dolazi u Belgiju. Svaka kuća ima dragocenu kolekciju, u Briselu postoji Muzej stripa, a nacrtani belgijski junaci proslavili su svoju zemlju širom sveta. Prema rečima kusto- sa muzeja, njihov najvažniji ambasador bez dileme je Tintin, najomiljeniji Talični Tom, ali su najvažniji junaci Štrumpfovi. Tintin: Avanture Tintina nacrtao je i osmislio Belgijanac Žorž Remi, poznatiji pod umetničkim imenom Erže (1907–1983). Glavni junak je mladi i naivni belgijski reporter Tintin, koga u avanturama verno prati pas Sneško (Milou). Tu su i nespo- sobni detektivi Tomson i Tompson, dežurni zajedljivac kape- tan Hadok i profesor Lakmus. Serija stripova o Tintinu postigla je ogroman uspeh i pre- vedena je na preko 50 svetskih jezika. Na njegov šarm nije ostao imun ni Stiven Spilberg koji je snimio film, a koliko je Tintin popularan u rodnom Briselu svedoči i to što se širom grada nalaze brojni murali s njegovim likom. U Kafeu stripo - va na Trgu Grand Sablon možete da se slikate pored bronza- ne statue Tintina u prirodnoj veličini, a u mestašcetu Luve la Nev, 30 km od Brisela, obiđete Eržeov muzej. Talični Tom: Duhovni otac i crtač serijala o Taličnom Tomu je Belgijanac Moris de Bever koji je ovog simpatičnog ka-


uboja sa Divljeg zapada nacrtao po ugledu na Garija Kupe- ra. Nigde ne ide bez šešira, žute košulje i crvene marame, a u potezanju pištolja je brži od svoje senke. Najveći neprija- telji su mu braća Dalton: Džo, Džek, Vilijam i Averel, svaki vi- ši i gluplji od prethodnog, a verni pratioci konj Džoli Džam- per i najgluplji pas na svetu Rantanplan. U Srbiji se pojavio u Kekecu početkom šezdesetih godina, a našoj verziji imena (na engleskom se zove Lucky Luke) kumovao je pisac Duš- ko Radović. Štrumpfovi: Nekada davno postojala je šumica u kojoj su, u svom tajnom naselju, živela malena stvorenja, a zvali su se Štrumpfovi . Bili su dobri, ali bio je tu i Gargamel, opasan ča- robnjak. On je bio zao... Tako je otprilike počinjala svaka epizoda omiljenog crta- ća Štrumpfovi koji su svoj život započeli kao sporedni liko- vi u nekom drugom stripu. Izmislio ih je belgijski crtač Pjer Kulifor Pejo da pomognu nekom njegovom junaku, ali Pe- jo nije mogao znati da će mala plava bića postati popularnija od glavnog lika. Zato im je dao sopstveni strip 60-ih godina prošlog veka, da bi mališani uz pomoć američke produkcij- ske kuće Hana Barbera i televizijske serije osvojili planetu za tren oka.

Lucky Luke: The spiritual father and cartoonist of the Lucky Luke series is the Belgian Maurice De Bevere, aka Morris, who drew this lovable cowboy from the Wild West based on the model of Gary Cooper. He doesn’t go anywhere without his hat and he is faster at drawing his pistol than his own shadow. His arch ene- mies are the Dalton Brothers: Joe, William, Jack and Averell, each of whom is taller and more stupid than the last, while his faithful followers are the smartest horse in the world, Jolly Jammer, and the stupidest dog in the universe, Rantanplan. The Smurfs: Once upon a time, there was a forest where, in their own secret village, lived the small creatures known as Smurfs. They were good, but there was also Gargamel, an evil wizard. He was evil... And that pretty much describes the beginning of every episode of the cartoon version of the beloved Smurfs, which were actu- ally created by the Belgian comics artist Pierre Culliford, aka Pe- yo, to help another of his heroes. But Peyo couldn’t have known that these blue beings would become more popular than the main character. That’s why he gave them their own comic in the 1960s, only for these munchkins, with the help of American pro- duction company Hanna-Barbera, to conquer the planet in the blink of an eye.

Every year sees 5,000 new titles released and that’s why people come to Belgium. Each comic publisher has a precious collection, Brussels has a comic museum, the Belgian Comic Strip Centre, and Belgium’s comic strip heroes have celebrated their country all over the world. According to the curator of the Bel- gian Comic Strip Centre, their most important ambassador is un- doubtedly Tintin, the most loved is Lucky Luke, but the most im- portant heroes are the Smurfs... Tintin: The Adventures of Tintin were created and devised by Belgian Georges Remi, better known by his pen name of Hergé (1907-1983). The main hero is the young, naïve Belgian report- er Tintin, who is faithfully followed on his adventures by his dog Snowy. There are also the incompetent detectives Thomson and Thompson, his best friend Captain Haddock, and Professor Cal- culus. Not even Steven Spielberg could resist Tintin’s charm, who made a film about him, and testifying to Tintin’s popularity in his native Brussels is the fact that many murals depicting his image can be found in the city. You can take pictures beside a life-sized statue of Tintin at the Comics Café on Place du Grand Sablon, while in the settlement of Louvain-La-Neuve, 30 km from Brus- sels, you can visit the Hergé Museum.


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