Ljubavna istorija Beograda / Belgrade’s history of love
Ovaj tekst napisan je na osnovu knjige Vodič kroz ljubavnu istoriju Beograda , Nenada Novaka Stefanovića (u izdanju Lagune , 2017). Pisac Vodiča je, krenuv- ši u književnu avanturu od arhitekture, u jednom trenu shvatio da kuće liče na svoje stanare, pa čak i ako ih nisu sa- mi gradili. Počeo je da „osluškuje i be- leži njihove glasove“. Zavirio je u držav- ne arhive i arhive poznatih beogradskih familija, proučavao monografije, knjige i stručne časopise. Razgovarao sa sve- docima prošlosti. Doajeni novinarstva u Kraljevini Srbiji otkrili su mu detalje ču- vane od javnosti da ne bi pokvarili sliku o vinovnicima.
S ličnost između palate Trgo- vačkog fonda Hipotekarne banke u Resavskoj 34 i pri- rode njenog najpoznatijeg stanara, pisca Branka Ćopića, Stefa- nović ovako opisuje: spolja nezgra- pna i gruba, a iznutra – rafinirana i bogata. Proslavljen narodskim pri- čama kojim je branio mit o komu- nizmu i revoluciji, Ćopić je naprasno postao disident, neprijatelj naroda, zbog par humoreski o metarmofo- zi partizana u buržoaziju. U sve ne- izvesniju sudbinu uvukao je i supru- gu Bogdanku. Ostala je čvrsta, uvek uz muža, odbivši predlog da se od njega razvede. Ne popuštajući pod pritiskom islednika. Ali nešto je u Branku puklo, tog 26. marta 1984. godine. Skočio je sa mosta kralja Aleksandra, istog onog pod kojim je prespavao prve noći u Beogradu. U oproštajnom pismu poručio je: „Zbogom lijepi i strašni živote“. A Bogdanki – da će sam da postavi sto kad se vrati iz šetnje.
T he similarity between the palace of the Merchant’s Foundation of the Mortgage Bank at 34 Resavska Street and the nature of its most famous tenant, writer Branko Ćopić, is de- scribed by Stefanović as follows: a crude and rough exterior, but inside – refined and rich. Celebrated for the folk stories with which he defended the myth of communism and revolution, Ćopić suddenly became a dis- sident and enemy of the people due to a couple of jokes about the metamorphosis of the partisans into the bourgeoisie. He al- so dragged his wife Bogdanka into his un- certain fate. She remained firm, always be- side her husband, rejecting the suggestion that she should divorce him. Not falling un- der the pressure of the accusers. But something in Branko broke on that 26th March 1984. He leapt from King Alex- ander Bridge, the same bridge under which he spent his first night in Belgrade. In his farewell letter he said“Goodbye, beautiful and terrible life”. And to Bogdanka - that she will set the table herself when she comes back from walking.
HOUSES RESEMBLE THEIR TENANTS This article is written on the basis of the book “Guide to the Love History of Bel- grade” by Nenad Novak Stefanović (pub- lished by Laguna, 2017). The guide’s writer began with a literary adventure about architecture, only to realise at one point that houses resembled their tenants, even if they were not built by themselves. He began to “listen and re- cord their voices”. He peeked into the state archives and the archives of well- known Belgrade families, studied mono- graphs, books and professional journals. He talked to witnesses of the past. Expe- rienced senior journalists from the King- dom of Serbia revealed to him details kept from the public so as not to spoil the image of the culprits.
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