Najupečatljivija slika grada za mene je most na Bosforu koji povezuje Aziju i Evropu The quintessential image of the city for me is the Bosphorus Bridge connecting Asia and Europe
Ko je Orkun Orkun Dokmeci je po obrazovanju inženjer in- formatike, a po vokaci- ji dizajner kožnih akseso- ara, producent nekoliko malih nezavisnih pozoriš- nih predstava i glumac u kabareu. Iz velike ljubavi prema dizajnu pokrenuo je liniju aksesoara od ko-
že, koje ručno izrađuje u malim serijama. Deo produkcije posebno se izrađuje za potrebe snimanja istorijskih TV serija. WHO IS ORKUN? Orkun Dokmeci is an IT engineer by education, but a designer of leather accessories by vo- cation, as well as being a producer of sever- al small independent theatre plays and a cab- aret actor. His great love for design led to him launching his own line of leather accessories, which he makes by hand in small serial pro- ductions. Part of his product range is special- ly created for the needs of filming historical TV shows.
Bosfor je srce Istanbula Pre nego što počnete da šetate gradom i upo- znajete ga sa kopna, uđite na jedan od trajekata koji obilaze Bosfor i uživajte u očaravajućem pogledu na grad sa mora. Najbolji pogled na ovo istorijsko po- luostrvo je sa trajekta tokom zlatnog sata dok sun- ce zalazi. Ostaćete oduševljeni dok uz glasove gale- bova budete gledali sliku narandžastog neba, koje se u daljini susrece sa zelenim šumama i prošarano nijansama plave u osnovi, kao i sa obrisima gigant- skih džamija uperenih ka nebu. The Bosphorus is the heart of Istanbul Before you begin touring the city on foot, board one of the ferries that tour the Bosphorus and admire its beauty from the sea. The best views of this histori- cal peninsula are from a ferry during the golden hours, when the sun is setting. You will be left delighted by the musical sounds of seagulls scavenging under an orange sky that descends to meet green forests in the distance, with shades of blue at its base, while the out- lines of gigantic mosques point skywards.
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