ER SRBIJA JE SVOJIM PUTNICIMA KOJI imaju karte za letove iz Beogra- da ka Cirihu uputila poziv za dobro- voljno učešće u projektu testiranja aplikacije IATA Travel Pass , koje spro- vodi u saradnji sa Međunarodnom asocijacijom za vazdušni saobra- ćaj (IATA) i Institutom za virusologiju, vakcine i serume Torlak . Inovativna mobilna aplikacija putnicima pomaže da lako i bezbed- no organizuju putovanje u skladu sa zahtevima država koji se tiču testira- nja na kovid-19 ili vakcinacije, a srp- ska nacionalna avio-kompanija je jedna od prvih u Evropi postala deo ove globalne inicijative. Testiranje
aplikacije počelo je na letovima od 28. aprila i trajaće četiri nedelje. Putnici na relaciji Beograd–Ci- rih pozvani su da preuzmu IATA Tra- vel Pass aplikaciju, kreiraju nalog sa profilnom fotografijom i informacija- ma o pasošu, kao i da unesu podat- ke o letu, nakon čega se dobija in- formacija kakav je test neophodan za ulazak u Švajcarsku, a zatim za- kazuje termin za testiranje u Institu- tu Torlak . Rezultati testa su, nakon
pristizanja, vidljivi u IATA Travel Pa- ss aplikaciji, koja upoređuje neop- hodne uslove za putovanje sa une- tim podacima putnika i rezultatima testa i svi koji ispunjavaju uslove za željenu destinaciju dobijaju zelenu oznaku za putovanje. Aplikacija je potpuno besplat- na za putnike i u prvoj fazi testiranja dostupna je samo za iOS uređaje, dok će kasnije biti omogućena i kori- snicima Android uređaj́́a. rich route have been invited to down- load the IATA Travel Pass app, crea- te an account with a profile photo and information about their passport, then input data about the flight, after whi- ch they will receive information on the test required to enter Switzerland and can then schedule a date to get te- sted at the Torlak Institute. Once the test results arrive, they become visi- ble in the IATA Travel Pass applicati- on, which compares the necessary travel requirements with the passen- ger’s input data, including the test re- sults, and everyone who meets the requirements to travel to their desi- red destination receives a green light to depart. The app is completely free of 28 th April and will run for four weeks. Passengers on the Belgrade-Zu- charge for passengers. It will be ava- ilable only for iOS devices in the first stage and subsequently also for An- droid users.
AIR SERBIA HAS INVITED ITS PAS- SENGERS with tickets for flights from Belgrade to Zurich to participate vo- luntarily in the project to test the “IATA Travel Pass” application, which is be- ing implemented in cooperation wi- th the International Air Transport Asso- ciation and the Torlak Institute for Virology, Vaccines and Sera. This innovative mobile applicati- on helps passengers easily and safely organise their travel in accordance wi- th the requirements of countries re- garding COVID-19 testing or vaccina- tion, with the Serbian national airline among the first in Europe to become part of this global initiative. The trial of this application on flights started from AIR SERBIA AMONG THE FIRST IN EUROPE IATA TRAVEL PASS TRIAL STARTED
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 53
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