Our history is full of individuals who deserve to be in a Serbian Hall of Fame, if such a thing existed. However, as in every selection, we still had to compile a shortlist of those who have become international stars, brought glory to Serbia and changed our world in some way.
Kusturica Emir
Emir Kusturica jedan je od najuticajnijih filmskih stvaralaca moder- nog doba. Njegovi filmovi su haotičan spoj balkanske tradicije i ve- oma mračne komedije. Rođen 1954. u Sarajevu, diplomirao je film- sku režiju na prestižnom FAMU u Pragu, a već 1981. za debitantski film Secaš li se Doli Bel osvojio Srebrnog lava na Venecijanskom fe- stivalu. Četiri godine kasnije, Otac na službenom putu jednoglasno dobija glavnu nagradu u Kanu. Za najboljeg režisera je takođe u Ka- nu proglašen za film Dom za vešanje, dok mu je Andergraund do- neo još jednu Zlatnu palmu 1995. A to je tek bio početak… Emir Kusturica is one of the modern age’s most influential filmmakers. His films are a chaotic blend of Balkan tradition and very dark comedy. Born 1954 in Sarajevo, he graduated in film directing at Prague’s prestigious FAMU, and by 1981 his debut film, Do You Remember Dolly Bell, had already won a Silver Lion at the Venice Film Festival. Four years later, When Father Was Away on Business was the unanimous choice for Cannes’ main Palme d’Or award. He was also declared Best Director at Cannes for his film Time of the Gypsies, while his 1995 work Underground earned him another Palme d’Or. And that was just the beginning…
Abramović Marina
Umetnost je prepuna kontroverznih autora, ali Marina Abramovi- c bi mogla biti trešnja na tom posebno neobičnom kolaču. Rođena u Beogradu, Marina je postala poznata širom sveta po konfrontira- jućim nastupima i izložbama u kojima svoju publiku stavlja u veoma najneugodne situacije. Nema nikakve dileme da je proslavila per- formans kao umetnost i postala jedna od najsajnijih zvezda ove ne- obične umetnosti. The art world is packed with controversial authors, but Marina Abramović could find herself as the cherry on top of that particularly unusual cake. A native Belgrader, Marina gained worldwide fame for her confrontational performances and exhibitions in which she puts her audience in very awkward situations. There’s no doubt that she’s brought glory to performance art and become one of the brightest stars of this unusual art form.
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