Nije ni čudo što je Topčider omiljeno mesto za fotografisanje parova pred venčanje. Kao pr- vi namenski urađen park u Beogradu, Topči- der nosi taj duh prošlih vremena, čuva deliće istorije u kombinaciji s prelepom prirodom, ta- ko da u startu obezbeđuje posebnu atmosferu. Tu su tri mala veštačka jezera, tu je drveni mo- stić, koji je najpopularniji simbol na fotografi- jama beogradskih mladenaca, kao i potočić ko- ji prolazi kroz ceo park i nikada ne presušuje, tu je platan koji važi za najstarije stablo u gra- du, pa legendarna Hajdučka česma, Topčider- ska crkva posvećena Svetim apostolima Petru i Pavlu koja je služila kao dvorska kapela... It’s no wonder that Topčider is among the most popular places for photographing newlywed couples. As the first purpose-built landscaped park in Belgrade, Topčider carries that spirit of bygone times, preserv- ing pieces of history in combination with beautiful na- ture, providing a special atmosphere from the start. There are three small manmade lakes, a small wood- en bridge, which is the most popular symbol in pho- tographs of Belgrade’s newlyweds, as well as a stream that passes through the entire park and never dries up; there is a tree known as the oldest tree in the city, the legendary Hajduk’s Fountain and Topčider Church - dedicated to the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, which served as the chapel of the royal court...
Skulptura Dafne na Adi Ciganliji ura- đena je po crtežu Mome Kapora, umetni- ka koji je najlepše voleo Beograd u svo- jim knjigama i na svojim slikama. Dafne je, po mitologiji, bila nimfa u koju je bio zaljubljen i sam bog Apolon, a zbog stra- ha od strasti pretvorena je u lovor. Be- ogradska Dafne, s druge strane, nosi i potpuno drugačiju, priču o sudbinskoj lju- bavi koja se dešava u stvarnosti. Postav- ljena je navodno na mestu gde je Kapor sreo svoju suprugu Ljiljanu i gde je zapo- čela njihova ljubavna priča koja je trajala decenijama. I baš odatle mogla bi da poč- ne najromantičnija šetnja Adom. Ada Ciganlija island’s Daphne monument was sculpted according to a drawing by Mo- mo Kapor, the artist who loved Belgrade in the most beautiful way, through his books and paintings. According to ancient Greek mythol- ogy, Daphne was a nymph who the God Apol- lo himself even fell in love with, but her fear of passion led to her being turned into a laurel tree. Belgrade’s Dafne, on the other hand, em- bodies a completely different story about love’s destiny that happened in reality. It is supposed- ly located at the spot where Kapor met his wife, Ljiljana, and where their decades-long love sto- ry began. And today the most romantic walks around Ada can start right there.
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