7 PALAIS DES NATIONS The Palais des Nations dates to the 1930s and was the headquarters of the former League of Nations, the UN’s predecessor. The complex is in constant use and hosts thousands of intergovernmental meetings each year, but it is also open for hour-long guided tours in 15 different languages. Your level of access is contingent on the meeting schedule, but tours typically encompass the Human Rights Room, the immense Assembly Hall, the Salle des Pas Perdus and the Council Chamber, where epoch- making negotiations have taken place between nations.
Palata Ujedinjenih nacija Palata datira iz tridesetih godina prošlog veka i bila je sedi- šte Lige naroda, prethodnika UN. Kompleks je u stalnoj upo- trebi, svake je godine domacin hiljadama međuvladinih sa- stanaka, ali je i otvoren za jednosatne ture sa vodičem na 15 različitih jezika. Nivo pristupa zavisi od rasporeda sasta- naka, ali obično uključuje sobu za ljudska prava, ogromnu skupštinsku salu, Salle des Pas Perdus i komoru Saveta, gde su se vodili pregovori o uspostavljanju najvažnijih veza među državama. After New York, Geneva is home to the second most important office of the United Nations Posle Njujorka, Ženeva ima drugu po važnosti kancelariju Ujedinjenih nacija
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