Man and the beasts
Čovek i zveri
P etar Lubarda (1907–1974) je- dini je umetnik sa prostora bivše Jugoslavije čije je de- lo reprodukovano u Istori- ji modernog slikarstva Herberta Ri- da. Lubarda je i jedini zbog koga je tek osnovano Bijenale u Sao Pau- lu 1951. imalo posebnu težinu, po mišljenju čuvenog skulptora Hen- rija Mura. A te su godine na smo- tri učestvovali i jedan Dali i jedan Pikaso. Sam Lubarda se nije hvalio, njemu je bilo važnije ono što umet-
P etar Lubarda (1907-1974) is the only artist from the territory of the former Yugoslavia whose work was repro- duced in Sir Herbert Read’s“A Con- cise History of Modern Painting”. Lubarda was also the only one who gave special weight to the then newly-established Biennale in Sao Paolo in 1951, according to famous sculptor Henry Moore. And the event that year also included the likes of Dali and Picasso. Lubar- da himself did not boast – for him, what art meant internally was more important than what he gained from it externally.
Petar Lubarda je umetnik zbog koga je Bijenale u Sao Paulu 1951. imalo posebnu težinu, rekao je čuveni skulptor Henri Mur. A te su godine na smotri učestvovali i Dali i Pikaso... Petar Lubarda is an artist who gave special weight to the 1951 Biennial in Sao Paolo, according to famous sculptor Henry Moore. And that year’s event also included the particpation of both Dali and Picasso!
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