Zidovi Pariza / Walls of Paris
BELVIL (20. ARONDISMAN) U istočnom delu grada, u distriktima Oberkampf, Belvil i Menilmontan, ulična umetnost je na svakom ko- raku. A u tim delovima grada su i mnogobrojni kafići, knjižare, kineska četvrt s autentičnim restoranima i rad- nje s azijskim asortimanom, kuća ispred koje je rođena Edit Pjaf i poznato groblje Per Lašez. Pođite ulicom Ober- kampf do Bulevara Belvil i pored poznatog Oks Foli ka- fića uživajte u pasažu ulice Ru Denoaz, prepunom zani- mljivih radova. Odatle do Menilmontana i groblja Pjer Lašez razotkrivajte umetnička dela na zidovima zgrada.
In the eastern part of the city, in the districts of Oberkampf, Belleville and Ménilmontant, street art is visible at every step. And in these parts of the city there are numerous cafés, bookshops, a Chinese quarter with authentic restaurants and shops with Asian assortments, the house in front of which Édith Piaf was born and the famous Père Lachaise Cemetery. Head along Rue Oberkampf to the Boulevard de Belleville, then beside the famous Aux Folies café you can enjoy the passage of Rue Denoyez, which is full of interesting works. From there to Ménilmontant and Père Lachaise Cemetery, you will uncover artworks on the walls of buildings.
Mis Tik je umetnica iz Pariza poznata po šablonima tamnokosih žena i poezije koji se često viđaju na ulicama glavnog grada Miss Tic is a Parisienne artist famous for patterns of dark-skinned women and poetry that are often seen on the streets of the capital TRAGOVI Jedan od najprisutnijih francuskih umet- nika na ulicama Pariza je autor Spejs In- vejder, koji je aktivan još od 1998. godi- ne. Njegovi radovi su prepoznatljivi po specifičnom stilu – koristi pločice koji- ma kreira pikselizovane likove, inspirisa- ne grafikom kompjuterskih igara iz 80- ih godina. Sebe definiše kao slobodnog i neidentifikovanog umetnika i nikada ne pokazuje svoje pravo lice. TRACES One of the most engaged French art- ists on the streets of Paris is the author Space Invader, who has been active since 1998. His works are recognisable by his specific style – he uses tiles to cre- ate pixelated characters, inspired by the graphics of computer games from the 1980s. He defines himself as a free and unidentified artist, and never shows his true face.
Uživajte u pasažu ulice Ru Denoaz prepunom zanimljivih radova
Enjoy the passage of Rue Denoyez,
which is full of interesting works
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