Elevate November 2017 | Air Serbia

Usred Atlantika, među vulkanima i endemskim šumama, možete plivati sa ajkulama, posmatrati kitove, kupati se u vrelom vodopadu i šetati poljima čaja In the mid-Atlantic, among volcanoes and endemic forests, you can swim with sharks, watch whales, bathe in a hot waterfall and walk in fields of tea OSTRVA Tekst / Words: Nataša Gološin Fotografije / Photography: iStock


Verovatno najlepši prizor na Azorima jesu dva jezera, odvojena tek uskom prevlakom, smeštena u krateru uspavanog vulkana i okružena hortenzijama. Legenda kaže da su ih isplakali nesrećno zaljubljeni zelenoo- ka princeza i plavooki čobanin, jer je jedno jezero plavo, a drugo zeleno.

Probably the most beautiful scenery in the Azores are provided by two lakes, separated by only a narrow strip, located in the crater of a dormant volcano and sur- rounded by hydrangea. Legend has it that they were cried into existence by a couple who were unlucky in love, a green-eyed princess and a blue-haired shepherd, because one lake is blue and the other green.

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