Elevate January 2017 | Air Serbia


Bukurešt Novi nacionalni park Rumunija će do 2020. dobiti svoj 14. nacionalni park, najavile su rumunske vlasti, koje nameravaju da planine Fagaraš pretvore u evropski Jeloustoun. Zbog svojih prirodnih lepota prava su atrakcija za turiste, a kroz njih prolazi put Transfagarašan, koji se smatra jednim od najlepših i najzanimljivijih na svetu. Rumunske vlasti takođe planiraju i da u ovoj godini za turiste otvore pešteru Vantuluj, najdužu pećinu u zemlji, koja je duga 50 kilometara i ima samo jedan ulaz. Brisel Belgijsko pivo na Uneskovoj listi Organizacija Ujedinjenih nacija za obrazovanje, nauku i kulturu (Unesko) uvrstila je čuveno belgijsko pivo na listu nematerijalne kulturne baštine. Belgija, koja je poznata po širokom spektru ukusa piva, od ekstremno kiselog do gorkog, proizvodi čak 1.500 vrsta tog penušavog napitka. Pivo se na području Belgije proizvodi još od srednjeg veka.

Brussels Belgian beer on the “UNESCO” list The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) has included famous Belgian beer on its list of intangible cultural heritage. Belgium, which is known for the wide range of flavours of its beer, from extremely sour to bitter, produces as many as 1,500 varieties of this fizzy beverage. Beer has been produced on the territory of today’s Belgium since the Middle Ages.

Er Srbija leti 6 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Brisel Air Serbia flies 6 times a week from Belgrade to Brussels

Bucharest New national park

Romania will get its 14 th national park by 2020, announced the Romanian authorities, who intend to convert the country’s Făgăraș Mountains into the European Yellowstone. Due to their natural beauty, these mountains are a real attraction for tourists, while they are also traversed by the Transfăgărășan Road, which is considered one of the world’s most beautiful and interesting roadways. The Romanian authorities are also this year planning to open to tourists Peștera Vântului, the longest cave in the country, which is 50 km long and has only one entrance.

Er Srbija leti svakog dana iz Beograda za Bukurešt Air Serbia flies daily from Belgrade to Bucharest

Zagreb Prvi kapsula hostel U centru Zagreba nedavno je otvoren prvi futuristički hostel

Zagreb First capsule hostel

The first futuristic hostel in Zagreb, Subspace, opened recently and offers guests overnight stays in so-called space capsules. It has 20 single rooms, or capsules, each of which contains a monitor for surfing the internet and a safe for storing money and documents. A night in this original hostel costs between 25 and 35 euros, while the walls of the capsules are decorated with stars and constellations that are visible under ultraviolet light. The idea for this type of accommodation comes from Asia.

Sabspejs , koji svojim gostima nudi noćenje u takozvanim svemirskim kapsulama. Ima 20 jednokrevetnih soba, odnosno kapsula, a u svakoj se nalaze po jedan monitor za surfovanje internetom i sef za novac i dokumenta. Noćenje u ovom originalnom hostelu košta između 25 i 35 evra, a zidovi kapsula ukrašeni su sazvežđima, koja su vidljiva pod ultraljubičastim svetlom. Ideja za ovakav tip smeštaja dolazi iz Azije.

Er Srbija leti dva puta dnevno iz Beograda za Zagreb Air Serbia flies twice a day from Belgrade to Zagreb

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