Elevate January 2017 | Air Serbia

Scena / The Scene


Čak i kada Mikael van Dril, in- ženjer zvuka, nije u svojoj prikoli- ci u jednom od najvećih preostalih holandskih skvotova, oko nje se ču- ju divni zvuci klasične muzike. Dok melodije nesebično deli sa drugima, Majkl za sebe ljubomorno čuva knji- ge koje oplemenjuju njegov unutraš- nji svet. Pomalo haotičan svet koji predstavlja najlepše lice alternativ- ne umetničke scene Amsterdama. U gradskom ludilu i vrevi, on je pro- našao svoju oazu mira, lepote i ple- menitosti. Gde god da ste, prona- đite svoju.


Even when sound engineer Mi- kael Van Driel is not in his trailer, lo- cated in one of the largest remaining Dutch squats, the beautiful sounds of classical music resonate around it. And while he selflessly shares melodies with others, he jealously protects for himself the books that enrich his inner world; a somewhat chaotic world that represents the most beautiful face of Amsterdam’s alternative art scene. In the madness and bustle of the city, he has found his own oasis of tranquillity, beau- ty and nobility. Wherever you are, find yours.

Tekst i fotografije / Words and Photography: Vladimir Miloradović

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