šao kao spasenje za naše uznemire- ne duše. Posedali smo na topli pesak, gledajući kako crveno sunce sve bo- ji u plamen i polako nestaje u pesku. Kako se dan gasio, tako smo i mi bi- vali sve tiši, sa odlaskom sunca go- tovo da više nismo ni govorili… Teš- ko je opisati taj osećaj. Istovremeno izgubljeni i pronađeni, svakako zau- vek promenjeni… Jedva nas je nekako vodič na- terao da ustanemo i vratimo se u stvarnost, a gde ćete bolji povratak u realnost od dobre klope. Taman smo bili zdravo gladni kad smo sti- gli u beduinski kamp, gde smo, sede- ći na šarenim jastucima, dobili pra- vu arapsku večeru u pustinji. Tu su nam dali sve ono što jedan prosečni turista očekuje u Emiratima. Oslikali su nam ruke kanom, pušili smo šišu, slikali se sa sokolom… Onda su se sva svetla pogasila i počeo je ples... A mi smo još dugo osećali taj ri- tam u svojim telima dok smo se vra- ćali u grad, ispunjeni mirisima, uku- sima i dodirima pustinje. Kao što ćete ostati nemi pred tom moćnom lepotom, tako ćete sigurno osetiti strahopoštovanje prema životu koji buja u vrelom, surovom moru peska And as you will be left silent in the face of this powerful beauty, so you will surely feel a sense of awe for the life that thrives in this hot, harsh sea of sand
when the adrenaline starts going cra- zy through the bloodstream there is not much room for anything else ex- cept joyful screaming! A person tires from so much excitement, so sunset in the desert came as salvation for our troubled souls. We sat on the warm sand, watching the red sun all colour- ed in flame slowly disappear into the sand. And as the day waned, so we grew ever quieter, with the de- parture of the sun we almost didn’t even talk anymore... It’s difficult to describe that feeling of being simul- taneously lost and found, and cer- tainly changed forever... Our guide somehow forced us to get up and return to reality. We were just healthily hungry when ar- rived at the Bedouin camp, where we received a traditional Arabian din- ner, sitting on colourful cushions. They gave us everything that an av- erage tourist expects from the Arab world. They painted our hands with henna, we smoked shisha, had our photos taken with a falcon... Then all the lights were turned off and the dancing began. We felt that rhythm in our bod- ies long afterwards, as we drove back to the city, filled with the scents, fla- vours and touches of the desert.
A person tires from so much excitement, so sunset in the desert came as salvation for our troubled souls
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