20. JUL/JULY 1969. Nil Armstrong je šetao po Mesecu
NEIL ARMSTRONG WALKS ON THE MOON At 9:32am on 16 th July, with the world watching, Apollo 11 launched from the Kennedy Space Cen- ter, with astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin Al- drin Jr. and Michael Collins aboard. Armstrong, a 38-year-old research pilot, was the comman- der of the mission. After travelling 240,000 mi- les in 76 hours, Apollo 11 entered a lunar orbit on 19 th July. The next day, at 1:46pm, the lunar mo- dule known as The Eagle, manned by Armstrong and Aldrin, separated from the command module, where Collins remained. Two hours later, the Ea- gle began its descent to the lunar surface, touc- hing down at 4:18pm on the southwestern edge of the Sea of Tranquillity. Armstrong immediately ra- dioed a famous message to Houston: “The Eagle has landed.” At 10:39pm, five hours ahead of the original sc- hedule, Armstrong opened the hatch of the lu- nar module. As he made his way down the ladder of the lunar module, a television camera attac- hed to the craft recorded his movements and be- amed the signal back to Earth, where hundreds of millions watched in great anticipation. It was at 10:56pm that Armstrong spoke his immortal words: “that’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”. He then planted his left foot on the grey, powdery surface of the moon, took a cautious step forward, and humanity had walked on the moon.
U 9.32 h 16. jula svet je gledao kako Apolo 11 po - leteće iz svemirskog centra Kenedi sa astro- nautima Nilom Armstrongom, Edvinom Oldri- nom Mlađim i Majklom Kolinsom. Armstrong, tada 38-godišnji pilot, bio je zapovednik misije. Posle pređenih 240.000 milja za 76 sati, Apo - lo 11 je 19. jula ušao u Mesečevu orbitu. Slede - ceg dana, u 13.46, lunarni modul Orao, kojim su upravljali Armstrong i Oldrin, odvojio se od ko- mandnog modula, u kojem je ostao Kolins. Dva sata kasnije, Orao je započeo spuštanje na Me- sečevu površinu. U 16.18, letelica je dotaka ju - gozapadni rub Mora spokojstva, a Nil je Hjusto- nu poslao čuvenu poruku: „Orao je sleteo.“ U 22.39, pet sati pre prvobitnog raspore - da, Armstrong je otvorio otvor za lunarni mo- dul. Dok se spuštao niz merdevine, televizij- ska kamera prikačena za letelicu zabeležila je i poslala signal natrag na Zemlju, gde su sto- tine miliona gledale u velikom iščekivanju. U 22.56, Armstrong je izgovorio reči koje su po - stale besmrtne – ovo je mali korak za čoveka, ali veliki za čovečanstvo. Zatim je stavio levu nogu na sivu puderastu površinu, opreznim korakom zakoračio napred i čovečanstvo je hodalo po Mesecu.
Mali korak za Armstronga, ali veliki za čovečanstvo One small step for Armstrong, one giant leap for mankind
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