Š vajcar- ska je poznata po sirevi- ma otmenog i prefinjenog
Switzerland is known for its cheeses of noble and sophisticated flavours, and it’s no wonder, then, that in this mountainous country fondue repre- sents a genuine culinary artefact. Legend has it that it was created in the 18 th century, when shep- herds melted cheese with milk or brandy in a pot over an open fire, adding garlic and herbs, then dipping bread into it. This modest and simple dish of Swiss traditional cuisine grew very popular over time and transitioned from the tables of ordi- nary workers to the homes of the rich and power- ful. Of course, the cheeses used became ever finer, and the dishes in which everything is prepared be- came ever more exclusive. The secret to the perfect aroma of fondue lies in combining some spicier cheese, such as Emmental or Gruyère, with some younger cheese with a mild flavour that melts well, like Gouda, Brie etc. Apart from bread, nowadays freshly chopped vegetables are more commonly dipped into the mix. The word “fondue”actually refers to the metal pot in which the cheese is melted and in which this meal is pre- pared before being served. These are usually ce- ramic bowls that have a thick bottom to prevent the mixture from burning. While the cheese slow- ly melts and turns into a mass bubbling over the flames, spices and white wine are added from time to time, creating the authentic taste of the fondue that rarely leaves anyone feeling indifferent. It is a Swiss custom to consider eating a specific ex- perience that must be shared with someone for the purpose of pure enjoyment. That’s why this melted cheese dish, apart from being delicious and sinfully calorific, provides the perfect occasion alongside dinner to momentarily regale the soul, which is something we all miss too much some- times.
ukusa, pa uop- šte nije čudno što u ovoj pla- ninskoj zemlji fon-
du predstavlja pravu kulinarsku relikviju. Legenda kaže da je na- stao još u 18. veku, kada su pastiri na otvorenoj vatri u loncu topili sireve u mleku ili rakiji, dodavali im beli luk i začinske trave, pa onda u njih umakali komadiće hleba. Skromno i zasitno jelo švajcarske tradicionalne kuhinje vremenom je postalo veoma popularno i sa sto- la običnih radnika preselilo se u kuće bogatih i moćnih. Naravno, sirevi su postajali sve finiji, a posuda u kojoj se sprema sve ekskluzivnija. Tajna savršene arome fondua leži u kombinaciji nekog pikantnijeg sira, poput ementalera ili grijera, i nekog mlađeg sira blagog ukusa koji se fino topi, poput gaude, brija... Osim hle- ba, u fondu se danas sve češće uma- če sveže seckano povrće. Inače, reč fondue označava metal- nu posudu u kojoj se sir topi i u ko- joj se ovo jelo priprema pre nego što
Legenda kaže da je nastao još u 18. veku, kada su pastiri na otvorenoj vatri u loncu topili sireve u mleku Legend has it that fondue was created in the 18 th century, when shepherds melted cheeses with milk
se posluži. To su obično keramičke posude koje imaju debelo dno, kako smesa ne bi zagorela. Dok se sir u njima polako topi i pre- tvara u masu koja se krčka iznad plamena, s vremena na vreme se dodaju začini i doliva se belo vino i tako se stvara autentičan ukus fon- dua koji retko koga ostavlja ravno- dušnim. Švajcarci imaju običaj da hranu po- smatraju kao posebno iskustvo koje mora da se podeli sa nekim i čija je svrha čisto uživanje. Zato je ovo je- lo od topljenog sira, osim što je pre- ukusno i grešno kalorično, savršen povod da na trenutak uz večeru raz- galite dušu, što nam svima ponekad toliko nedostaje.
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