Elevate January 2019 | Air Serbia

M adonna di Campiglio is located in the north of the country, between Trentino and the border with Switzer- land, within the Brenta Dolomites ski ar- ea. The village is rich with a centuries-old pine forest and was once a hunting grounds of the Habsburgs, until becom- ing an important tourist centre of world- wide repute. Madonna di Campiglio is a paradise for moderately advanced skiers, because its best runs are red. There is al- so the famous 3-Tre FIS ski slope, where World Cup competition is held and where you can also ski at night. Alongside this are 15 kilometres of slopes intended for ski races, some of which are also illumi- nated, and at the very top of the Grost è ski resort is a snowboard park. APRÈSSKI In the enticing centre of the village, where the rule of seeing and being seen applies, especially for the members of the Milan jet-set, you can enjoy stroll- ing, while you’ll also be delighted by the great nightlife in cafes, restaurants and clubs. Don’t be surprised if, after a day of skiing, you bump into some celebri- ty during the evening. One of the more lively and more casual bars is Clihang- er, while you’ll also enjoy the Des Alpes nightclub. You shouldn’t miss Cantinu Su- isse if you like cocktails and live music, while for lovers of a family atmosphere there are Pinzolo or Andalo. This was also a popular destination dur- ing the late 19 th century, and was cel- ebrated by Austro-Hungarian Em- press Elisabeth. Every year, a costumed Habsburg Carnival is organised in her honour. And just a half-hour drive from Madonna you will come across beauti- ful lakes, valleys, rapids and mountain cabins. You’ll probably also enjoy a stroll through Trentino, with its beautiful Re- naissance palaces and 12 th -century ca- thedral. ACCOMMODATION One of the most sought-after establish- ments is the Hotel Cristal Palace. Choose between two restaurants, one of which oers panoramic views of the mountains, and for those with a sweet tooth there’s Osteriadel Circo. This great hotel also of- fers a great tness and wellness centre with an indoor pool. There is also the Ho- tel Lorenzetti, with its sun terrace sport- ing deck chairs, while the view from the rooms encompasses the Brenta Dolo- mites mountain range.

Tekst / Words: Nevena Dimitrijević


da budete viđeni 1 MADONNA DI CAMPIGLIO, TO BE SEEN M adona di Kampiljo nalazi se na severu zemlje, između Tren-

Cliffhanger , a svideće vam se i dis- koteka Des Alpes. Cantinu Suisse ne smete propustiti ako volite koktele i živu muziku, a za ljubitelje porodične atmosfere tu su Pinzolo ili Andalo. Mesto je bilo popularno i krajem 19. veka, a proslavila ga je austrougarska carica Elizabeta. U njenu čast svake godine se organizuje kostimirani Ha- bzburg karneval. A na pola sata vo- žnje od Madone naići ćete na prelepa jezera, doline, brzake i planinske ko- libe. Verovatno će vam prijati i šetnja kroz Trento s divnim renesansnim pa- latama i katedralom iz 12. veka. SMEŠTAJ Jedan od najtraženijih objekata je ho- tel Kristal palas . Birajte između dva restorana, od kojih jedan ima pano- ramski pogled na planine, a za slado- kusce tu je Osteriadel Circo. Ovaj sja- jan hotel nudi i veliki fitnes i velnes centar sa zatvorenim bazenom. Tu je i hotel Lorenceti sa sunčanom tera- som s ležaljkama, dok pogled iz so- ba puca na planinski venac Dolomi- ti di Brenta.

ta i granice sa Švajcarskom, u ski-po- dručju Dolomiti di Brenta. Selo je bo- gato stogodišnjom borovom šumom, a nekada je bilo lovište Habzburgova- ca, dok nije postalo važno turističko središte, poznato u celom svetu. Ma- dona di Kampiljo je raj za srednje na- predne skijaše jer su najbolje staze crvene. Tu se nalazi i čuvena FIS sta- za Tre, na kojoj se vozi Svetski kup, a na njoj možete skijati i noću. Uz to, 15 kilometara staza namenjeno je skijaškom trčanju, neke od njih su i osvetljene, a na samom vrhu skijali- šta Groste je park za snoubord. APRES SKI U simpatičnom centru sela, gde va- ži pravilo videti i biti viđen, posebno za milanski džet-set, možete uživati u šetnji, a obradovaće vas i dobar noćni život u kafeima, restoranima i klubo- vima. Nemojte se začuditi ako posle celodnevnog skijanja uveče u provo- du sretnete neku poznatu ličnost. Je- dan od življih, ležernijih barova je

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