T h e
K i n g ' s
B u s i n e s s
February 1928
Over 16 times as much for sweets as for books in the past year. $18.15 per per son for candy, ice cream and soda in America, over against$1.10 for books. * * * When the Atheists start raving about the amount o f money Billy Sunday re ceives, remind them that people paid $3,000,000 to see two ruffians pound each other at Chicago recently. * * * We note that at a British-Israelite Mass meeting recently, it was stated that the measurements o f the Great Pyramid prove that the Tribulation begins May 28, 19^8j and ends September 15, 1936. As the age draws to a close, some people seem to have less.and less regard for Acts 1 :7. * * * Rev. A. P. Goutby claims to have taken the pains to inquire into the results o£ evolutionary teaching in five leading col leges. He says that at the close of the first' yëa'r 40 per cent .were agnostics ; sec ond year, 60 per cent infidels ; third year, 80 per cent Atheists. * * * It is inspiring to read of Dr. F. B. Meyer, at 80 years o f age, just back home in London, after another 15,000-mile tour o f Canada and America. This'1was his 14th preaching tour o f America and he appeared in 300 meetings. * * * It is a fearful indictment of our people today to read in Century Magazine the statement o f a judge that criminal jus tice is enmeshed in a web of perjury. False swearing is the daily and almost un remarked episode. Lycurgus said to the Athenians,. “An oath. :is the bond that keeps the. state together.” Bearing false witness under sanction o f the name of God is the only offense separately con demned in two o f the. Ten Command ments!. * * * Things look more and more desperate for the Modernist, according to the pessi mistic. Dr. Dieffenbach, editor of The Christian Century, chief organ of Liberal ism. “At present,” he says, “the Modern ists, are with their backs to the wallr Not a notable figure remains- on the field. The movement to give us a liberal church ,ha's halted and collapsed. Dogmatism is in Control o f more than 90 per cent of the people in the denominations.” He de clares that the only hope is for the Mod ernists to “organize and’ put on a relig ious program.” . But isn’t the world “re- ligioned to death’’ ?' Men want the Gospel and the Modernists have graduated from that. Dean Inge recently made the statement that “if the lower animals could devise a religion, they would certainly represent the. devil as à great white man.” All of
which reminds us that man is a creature who either rises upward toward the angels or sinks downward toward thé demon. When he degenerates, he does not Stop at the beast. He goes lower. * * * . It remains to be seen what kind of a generation will be raised up from ciga rette-smoking mothers.. Dr. Charles ,L- Barber o f Lansing, Michigan, has got himself roundly Criticized by members of the medical profession, because of a state ment before the American Association for Medico-physical Research. Neverthe less, we believe time will verify his words. He says : i“A baby born of a cigarette smoking mother is sick. It is poisoned and màÿ die within two weeks of birth. The postmortem shows degeneration of the liver, heart and other organs. Sixty per cent o f all babies born of cigarette smoking mothers will die before they are two years old.” * * * The statement has recently been made by a leading sociologist that since the World War, “girls and young women have become the aggressors in matters of illicit relationship.” W e doubt if such a statement could be generally applied, yet those acquainted with conditions in our modern cities know that the modern girl has become an aggressive temptation to young men rather than an object and prey of the vices that are supposed to dominate the male sex. . This authority actually says that the hour has come when the thoughtful and careful mother is earnestly engaged in protecting* her boy from the ' lure o f the girls he associates with. If, as this writer claims;1the hope o f idealism in the English-speaking na tions depends upon our young men, we must see to it that they, get their ideals from the Word of God, or all is lost. * * * Professor Muskaytoff, director of the Russian Geological Survey o f Moscow, voices the belief, based on the researches of nearly 500 geological map-making ex peditions, that a definite northward move ment of the earth’s crust is developing, bringing Africa and India nearer to Europe and Asia. Sir Oliver Lodge sup ports Professor Muskaytoff’s theory. “There is no doubt,” be‘ says, “that the earth’s crust is settling down. Nor is there anything abnormal in the operation except the improved means of communi cation which broadcast news o f earth quakes and typhoons all over the world in, a few seconds.” Meanwhile Sir Rich ard Gregory admits that he and fellow scientists are anticipating a disastrous earthquake within a year somewhere near the fault line which runs 'from San Fran cisco south of New York and through the Azores, Spain, Messina, Crimea, Lemi- nakan, Samarkand, and Nagasaki. ■Greg ory says it “has been proved consistently, following the series of minor and medium
THEY SAY — A ltoona (P a .) M irror :
The straight and narrow path is more than wide enough for the traffic it has to carry.
D r . W . J. M ayo , ' ” of M ayo C lint 6 í | í ' í
A specialist is a man who knows more and more about less and less. Los A ngeles T imes ! .;. Don’t waste all your sympathy on the fellow who is down. The whale deserved as much sympathy as Jonah. G eorge P. P u tnam , P ublisher : Science is man’s gradual inter pretation o f the phenomena pf nature. In other •Utords, God - created what science is doing its best, in a slow faltering way, to understand. I ndianapolis S tar : Close to the head o f the list o f things the world does not need are moré' modern ver sions o f the Bible. W illiam L yon P helps , Y a l e : Every empire\ that has per- ished has perished-because the " so-called tipper class, ’ instead . of setting a good example, set a bad example. There no responsibility greater than that which falls 1 upon the rich, the Socially aristocratibSthe edu cated. ■ C harles S tetzi . e in -W orld ’ s W ork : The ai>qrage working man is orthodox . . extremelytpon- * servative in his religious ^con victions. The so-called liberal churches, very rarelyl attract the artisan. B oston T ranscript : A girl has hardly passed the spanking age these, days before she reaches the sparking age. . J ames J. D avis ; S ecretary of L abor : ' W e. shall never have a moral ity that respects the rights and integrity o f others unless our morality has a religious sanc tion. T o . put morality on any other basis is to build on sand. S ir P hilip G ibbs , in I nternational C osmopolitan ; I dare to believe that before the day after tomorrow faith w ill.be reborn. New prophets will arise. There will be a call back to a more spiritual con ception o f life.
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