King's Business - 1928-02

CS a d h u ) J o h n N elson C h r is t a n a n d a HAS A GOOD WORD FOR B.I.O.L.A. ||TJ§) F the remarks o f an Oriental mystic on an Occidental Bible Institute are

welcome, you will have this treatise for perusal. Universities, colleges, SC^°°L) and Bible schools and seminaries, I have visited many, both in my JB own country> in the twenty different European countries, and even in U. S. and unfortunately, my estimation in the Eastern manner o f a Divinity — ^ school has been different, as such I have been many a time disappointed! But speaking o f America particularly, I have never been so much delighted as I was in your Bible Institute,, and only humbly pray that the Lord o f Glory might bless the Institute for His Eternal Glory ever and make it a thorough blessing unto many, in these critical and last days. In the first place I have been there in the atmosphere o f oxygen and not in the suffocating carbondioxide. My contact with some of the professors, and Pillars was wholesome, genuine, and sincere. The absence o f Hypocrisy and the presence of sincerity in the individuals was more than soothing and encouraging to m e : for, one o f the strongest demons I have been fighting in this country is Hypocrisy. I mean even in the ordinary way words, phraseology, and simperings did not actually represent their heart, in many cases. I gathered much of the sentiment o f the Institute in the Report meeting. I rejoice ever that you lay emphasis on the old and yet ever new doctrine o f “ Justifi­ cation by Faith alone” which has the same Power, same comfort, same function, and same bliss, in all ages. And that you strive to produce faithful, sincere godly and spiritual men and women for the Master’s task, is not out o f appreciation, especially in these days when so many desire to go to extremes, and make big fuss of nothing, and hide their lives as dark and rotten sepulchres. I understand that the standard of the Institute is sober, vigilant, and faithful to the Call o f the Living Lord. I further appreciate that you rather use your own discretion and discrimination in all'things especially in things pertaining to different individuals, than recognizing right away any reports that might often arise out of envy, jealousy and prejudice. Thus, your Institute, I rejoice to say, has imbibed all round qualities that become a right Divinity center. Silent spirituality, love for God and a burning passion for souls, such as I have perceived amongst you, are a great hope o f a bright and luxuriant future. An Institute like that is a great need for a city like that. I am pleased with the type o f students; and I am confident that you will more and more get rid o f any skin-deep, superficial religion that often beclouds spiritual vision, and try to maintain the whole, right in harmony with the Word of God, avoiding— if there be-—things such as, short hair, modern dress, and unnecessary adornments, which, o f course, are so repulsive to an Oriental spectator. I am glad now that I have something to say, edifying and good when I go back, and that is the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles. May the Lord of Power shower His blessings on the Institute, and on the Open Door Church and all the staff and the pupils. May the Divine Peace rest with you all. Amen ! J. NELSON CHR ISTANANDA .

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