SOCIAL COMPLIANCE FRAMEWORKS THAT ARE SPECIFIC TO THE PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS INDUSTRY: PPAI Code of Conduct: This is the industry’s Code for both suppliers and distributors. “The social responsibility pillar of a compliance program demonstrates the commitment to responsible operations that an organization expects from its management, employees, supply chain partners and other stakeholders. The policies and practices defined in a social responsibility program should mirror the behavior and outcomes (i.e., doing the right things) that an organization seeks in all of its operating practices while living up to their respective purpose, values and principles.” There is no formal auditing protocol or expectations that the supplier has a robust management framework for assessing their supply chain. It’s a ‘starting point’ for many.
ADDITIONAL SOCIAL COMPLIANCE FRAMEWORKS THAT ARE NOT COMMONLY SEEN IN FAIRWARE’S SUPPLY CHAIN: ISO 26000, Social Responsibility: Published in 2010 by the International Organization of Standards (ISO), this document offers no certification, only a guideline for organizations considering their social responsibility. It recognizes seven basic principles of social responsibility: accountability, transparency, ethical behavior, respect for stakeholder interests, respect for the rule of law, respect for international norms of behavior, and respect for human rights. International Council of Toy Industries (ICTI): ICTI focuses on toy safety, ethical marketing to children, and the social responsibility of toy manufacturers. Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) (formerly the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition [EICC]): The RBA structures discussion and initiatives around social, environmental, and ethical issues in the electronics supply chain. Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI): A collaboration of companies, trade unions, and non- governmental organizations (NGOs), the ETI promotes global worker rights.
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