Ascent PT. The Connection Between Neck Pain & Headaches

Provider Update

Patient Success Spotlight

Recently we took a trip to our friend’s farm, Lost Peacock Creamery, and had a blast playing with their baby goats from the Spring. As you can tell, my kids thoroughly enjoyed their goat snuggles! Rachael and Matt both worked in the medical field before deciding to pursue their dreams on the farm. We admire and understand the hardwork and dedication that it takes as a small local business. Ensuring top quality is always a must! If you’re interested in trying some of their goat cheeses, let them know you support local and sustainable practices too! TheircheesehasevenbeenusedbySalt&Strawhere inPDX for theirspecialty ice cream flavors! Please remember to wear sunscreen while enjoying our beautiful Oregon weather and don’t forget to wear life jackets while enjoying the water! Yours in health, Derek

“Iwas inacaraccidentseveralmonthsago. After theaccident, Iwasunable to turn my neck or head without pain. I have always been very active, and I was worried that I would be limited for a long time. After therapy and coaching from the staff at Ascent PT, I am able to return to my regular activities. Thanks to Ascent, I am back and running. Snowboarding season is here, and I can now enjoy myself.” - Mike H.

Has Your Pain Come Back?

Special Offer

Don’t let back pain become a way of life!

1. Feel free to call us and ask to speak to your therapist.


2. Your therapist can discuss with you why your pain is bothering you again and what you might do about it at home. 3. If further assessment is warranted, your therapist might recommend you come in for an appointment.

Call 503.427.0118 to schedule your appointment today!

Call To Talk to Your Therapist Today 503.427.0118

16126 SE Happy Valley Town Center Dr #200 Happy Valley, OR 97086

Offer valid for the first 25 people to schedule. Expires 9-30-19.

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