T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
April, 1940
tion of agricultural pursuits in the land (v. 5), the rebuilding of the city of Jerusalem (v. 3 8 ),'and the saving of the nation from alt their sorrows and afflictions (v. 13). All these things be long in a peculiar way to the chosen nation. If the covenant is literal, so are the other things. They are not to be explained away by any spiritualizing method of exegesis. , 2. The fact that the passage from Jeremiah 31:31-34 is quoted in Hebrews 8:8-12 does not contradict what has been said in the above paragraph. For the Book of Hebrews, is addressed spe cifically to those “Hebrews” who had accepted Jesus as thè. Messiah and therefore had become Christians. Upon these saved “Hebrews,” called by Paul the “remnant according to the election of grace” (Rom. 11:3), the promised covenant had already taken effect. But
pie from the greatest to the least, and all shall know the Lord individually, rather than through the medium of prophets, priests, and kings. All these offices will be combined in the One who is promised to come, even Jesus Christ, and unto Him will the hearts of the people be turned. There will be no dread or fear in approaching Him, because all iniquity will be forgiven and for gotten. To understand how such a con dition as this could be, we have to go outside the text and consider the sac rifice of Israel’s Messiah on Calvary where He bore all their sins in His own body and made full satisfaction for all their iniquity (cf. 1 Pet. 2:24; Gal. 3:10-13; Heb. 10:9-18). in. T he A ssurance of C ontinuance (35-37). The prophet compares the perma.- riency of the nation Israel to the ordi nances which control the creation. If the ordinances established for the con trol of the sun and moon and stars, together with the waves of the sea, shall cease, then Israel may cease from being a nation before God. If there were no other passage in Scripture, this one verse would be sufficient to prove the falseness of many present-day heresies. There are men claiming to be proficient Bible teachers who declare that God is no longer concerned with Israel, that there is no future of glory promised to Israel, and that there is to be no reign of Christ for a thousand years upon the earth. These men are false prophets, however appealing their words. Listen ing to any one known to deny the Bible in any ~of its plain declarations is a dangerous practice for- the people of God. When the heaven can be measured and the foundations of earth searched out, then it will be time to listen to those who say that God has cast away His people. “God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew” (Rom. 11 : 2 ). Points and Problems 1. "I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah” (Jer. 31:31). Fof the proper understanding of this great prophecy, it is absolutely necessary for us to see that the covenant here referred to is made with the literal nation of Israel and Judah. In fact the entire chapter has to do with this nation. No less than twenty-six times in the chapter the literal and historical people of Israel is designated by various names which can refer only to this particular people. Not once in either the lesson material or the chapter is there any reference by name to the church of the present age. The covenant promised here is insep arably connected with such matters as the regathering of the Jews back into their own land (vs. 10-12); the restora- b
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