NSLHD News April 16

april falls month This April Falls Day and Month the Northern Sydney Local Health District Health Promotion team encourages people to get physically active, eat healthy, and reconnect with their social networks and community. NSLHD Falls Prevention Coordinator Margaret Armstrong said it may be an amusing play on words but the annual state-wide April Falls Day (Thursday 1 April) and April Falls Month are serious business. “The purpose of these events is to promote falls prevention for all patients and assist at risk people to stay healthy and fall-free in the community,” Margaret said. Following a year that has encouraged people to physically isolate, this year’s theme is Safe Activity for Everybody. “This encourages people to get physically active, eat six month milestone of zero falls resulting in serious injury (SAC 2). Over the last two years, staff have been working hard to implement strategies to prevent patient falls and Ryde’s Falls Coordinator Jennifer Piggott said that hard work is paying off. “Not having any falls resulting in serious injury is a huge deal for our hospital as it means our fall prevention strategies are working,” Jennifer said.

(Left to right): Lisa Steele, Grace Song, Simon Dugiud and Margaret Armstrong

healthy diets, and reconnect with their social networks and community, while highlighting the importance of participating in these activities safely,” Margaret said. “A key part of our strategy this year is to promote safe and healthy habits. We are encouraging participation in a 3 x 3 healthy ageing, 30 day challenge for staff, patients, carers and those in our community. Each day throughout April, participants are encouraged

to engage in physical and social activities, and eat three healthy meals.” To access the April ‘3 x 3 Challenge’ calendar, visit the April Falls Site on the Intranet. Staff can also download the campaign flyers for April Falls Month 2021, and other falls prevention resources on the same Intranet site. For further information contact Margaret.Armstrong@ health.nsw.gov.au.

ryde’s falls prevention success Coinciding with April Falls Day and Month celebrations, Ryde Hospital recently reached its

(Left to right): Claire O’Reagan, Margaret Armstrong and Jennifer Piggott

To celebrate April Falls Day, Jennifer, clinical nurse consultant Sandra Lever, and enrolled nurse Claire O’Reagan set up a kiosk in

the foyer with flyers and information, and handed out some prizes throughout the day, to raise awareness amongst staff.


Share your news and achievements. Contact our team on 9463 1722 or email NSLHD-media@health.nsw.gov.au to submit your news.



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