
12C — December 7 - 20, 2012 — Pennsylvania — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal



Reps clients throughout EPA & SNJ Durkin joins Roddy’s industrial sales division

ROOKFIELD, WI — John Frydrych , eastern regional man- Bringing 21 years of experience R.A. Smith National’s Frydrych attains CDP from the ICSC B

Eastern Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. Sean holds a Bachelors of Business Administration, Finance-Real Estate from Temple Universi- ty and is a CCIM candidate. Headquartered in Bensalem Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Roddy Inc. is a marketer, manager and de- veloper of industrial and com- mercial real estate throughout Eastern Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. Clients include regional, national and international companies and financial institutions. ■

BENSALEM, PA — Roddy Inc., industrial and com- mercial realtors , announced

a high level of competency in their specialty through profes- sional work experience and the completion of a half-day written examination which demonstrates competence in pre-development, design, con- struction/construction man- agement, retail store plan- ning, tenant coordination, codes/rules and regulations, project cost management, and legal/insurance/ethics. Frydrych manages R.A. Smith National’s Pittsburgh office and is heavily involved in project management with his team of engineers and surveyors. He is licensed as a professional engineer in six states and brings 21 years of investment analysis. This special designation is awarded to commercial real estate pro- fessionals upon completion of the graduate-level core course curriculum and attainment of a qualifying level of experience and finally, passing the CCIM Comprehensive Examination. Currently 69% of ROCK Commercial Real Estate’s Brokerage Advisors are CCIM certified members. Birkeland has been active in commercial real estate for the past 10 years with a strong background in hotel and res- taurant properties. Prior to organization with the goal of improving the health of ba- bies by preventing birth de- fects, premature birth, and infant mortality. As a board member, Tim will join other industry leaders to serve on behalf of TimHaahs. The board will lend sup- port to the event through sponsorship, volunteer out- reach, and promotion of the event in hopes to exceed last year’s fundraising total of $314,000. The funds raised events included Ribbon Pretzel Day, a Jack-O-Lantern contest, and a raffle. Divisions that participated included Virginia, Maryland, Illinois, New York, Arizona, New Jersey Suburban, and Florida-East, as well as the Corporate office in Penn- sylvania. The response to all of these events was incredible, and 100 percent of the funds raised were donated to Living Beyond

broad-based civil engineering, municipal engineering and land development design ex- perience to the eastern region. His professional expertise is engineering design in all aspects of land development, including infrastructure and utility design, site layout, hy- draulic/hydrologic analyses, erosion and sedimentation control planning, and appli- cable regulatory permitting. Frydrych has a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering technology and a master’s degree in engineering man- agement fromPoint Park Uni- versity in Pittsburgh. He cur- rently resides in Murrysville, PA. ■ his career in commercial real estate, he specialized in resort management. He obtained his masters degree in Manage- ment from the Cornell Univer- sity Hotel School. The CCIM business network encompasses 1,000 markets throughout North America, Asia, Europe and the Carib- bean. CCIMDesignees include professionals who work in brokerage, investment and development, the corporate environment, property man- agement, appraisal and related segments of commercial real estate. ■ will be used to support vital research and programs de- signed to fight birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality in southeast Penn- sylvania. Timothy Haahs and As- sociates, Inc. (TimHaahs)’s foundation has been built on its mission statement – “We exist to help those in need”. Recently, they have been recognized for their commitment to community service. ■ Breast Cancer. Living Beyond Breast Cancer is an organization dedicated to “empowering all women affected by breast cancer to live as long as possible with the best quality of life.” This was Toll Brothers’ first year raising funds for Liv- ing Beyond Breast Cancer and they are honored to be able to support them in this important work. ■

that Sean T. Durkin , for- merly of Cold- well Banker Commercial, has j o i ned the industrial sales division of Roddy Inc. Sean will rep-

ager and se- nior project manager, of R.A. Smith Nationa l – a multi-disci- plined civil engineering and survey- ing firm– has

Sean T. Durkin

resent clients concerning the acquisition and disposition of industrial and commercial real estate located throughout

John Frydrych

attained the Certified Devel- opment, Design and Con- struction Professional (CDP) designation from the Inter- national Council of Shop- ping Centers (ICSC) . The CDP credential recognizes those who have demonstrated

Skanska USA’s Greater PA office keeps lungs healthy

GREATER, PA — Skanska USA ’s Greater PAoffice recent- ly took part in the American Lung Association’s 2012 Fight for Air Climb to help promote clean air and healthy lungs. 13 Skanska employees helped raise $1,918 for the ALA, the second highest con- tribution by a company. The money raised will go toward fighting lung disease and mak- ing the air clean to breathe. Fight for Air Climb is a ver- tical 5K in which participants climbed all 21 floors of 1201 N. Market Street, the tallest building in Delaware. The

Birkeland of ROCK Commercial Real Estate earns prestigious CCIM designation

YORK, PA — John O. Birkeland , brokerage advi- sor with ROCK Commercial

Real Estate, L L C , h a s been awarded the Certified Commercial Investment M e m b e r (CCIM) des- ignation by the CCIM In- stitute.

strains on lungs served as a reminder that some people have difficulty breathing on a regular basis. ■ Members of Skanska’s Greater PA office participated in the American Lung Association’s 2012 Fight for Air Climb lence, and are distinguished by their professional commit- ment, leadership and achieve- ment,” according to Joanna Waldron , co-chair of SWEP’s Touchstone Award Reception. Named for the fieldstones used by gemologists to test the purity of gold, the Touchstone Award showcases women who have made or are making a significant contribution to the environmental field and who have truly set a benchmark in the environmental profession. Young, in conjunction with Mark Lannan , purchased the assets of WIK Associates in 2003 and formed BrightFields Inc. She led the charge in growing BrightFields from a start-up of 12 people to a staff of 37 focused on brownfield property redevelopment. She has been at the environmen- tal forefront of reclaiming Wilmington’s waterfront over a 15-year transformation from industrial wasteland to a vi- brant urban center. In 2008, she earned recognition as the SBA Small Business Person of the year for the state of Delaware. ■

John O. Birkeland

BrightField’s Young wins Touchstone Award PHILADELPHIA, PA — Marian Young , president of BrightFields Inc. , had

CCIMs are recognized ex- perts in commercial real es- tate brokerage, leasing, asset management, valuation, and Haahs appointed to March of Dimes’ board of directors

been selected as the 2012 recipient of the Society of Women En- vironmental Profession- als of Great- er Philadel- phia’sAnnual

BLUE BELL, PA — Tim- othy Haahs, PE, AIA , pres- ident of TimHaahs, has been

appointed to the Board of Directors for the March o f D ime s ’ 20th Trans- po r t a t i on , Building & Co n s t r u c - tion Awards

Marian Young

Touchstone Award. Young re- ceived the award on November 7, 2012, during a SWEP recep- tion at Trust, 249 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Judy Wicks , founder of the Sustainable Business Network of Greater Philadelphia and co-founder of the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies, was the keynote speaker. The annual SWEP Touch- stone Awards, initiated in 1997, are an integral part of the organization’s mission to support and promote the leadership and achievement of women professionals in the environmental field. “SWEP’s Award recipients set a high standard for quality and excel-

Timothy Haahs

Luncheon. The March of Dimes is a national nonprofit

Toll Brothers honors Breast Cancer Awareness Month HORSHAM, PA — Toll Brothers, Inc. celebrated Breast CancerAwarenessMonth with a variety of Company-wide events and fun activities to benefit Living Beyond Breast Cancer. One such event held on October 17 offered employ- ees the chance to wear jeans and boots for a $5.00 donation, which made them eligible to win prizes. Other fundraising

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