Destinacija / destination
Rigi Sneg blista, vazduh je svež i hladan, a sunce ipak zrači određenom topli- nom. Udahnete duboko – i onda kre- nete. Bilo na skijama ili snoubordu, velikom brzinom na toboganu ili laga- nim tempom u vožnji krpljama ili pe - ke, Rigi je mesto gde svako može pro- nać i odgovarajuć u zimsku aktivnost. Takođe možete oti i do vrha jednom od planinskih železnica ili žičara i uži- vati u očaravajuć oj panorami i okre- pljujuć em vazduhu. Kad ogladnite, prionite na tipične vajcarske specija- litete od sira! Iz Ciriha : 70 minuta javnim prevozom, 50 minuta automobilom
Rigi The snow glistens, the air is fresh and crisp, while the sun still radiates a certa- in warmth. You take a deep breath – and then you’re off. Whether with energe- tic swings on skis or a snowboard, at high speed on a toboggan, or at a leisurely pa- ce on a snowshoe trek or winter hike: Ri- gi enables everyone to find a winter activi- ty suitable to them. You can also travel up to the heights on cableways and enjoy the breathtaking panorama. And when yo- ur stomach starts to rumble, there are suf- ficient ways of satisfying it – such as with typical Swiss cheese specialities. From Zurich : 70 minutes by public transport; 50 minutes by car
Miodrag Kosti je samo u proteklih pet godina izdvojio preko pet miliona evra za dru tveno odgovorne akcije usmerene na decu i mlade Over the past five years alone, Miodrag Kostić has allocated more than five million euros for socially responsible activities aimed at helping children and young people
Rigi nije bez razloga poznata kao kraljica planina It is not without reason that the Rigi is known as the “Queen of the Mountains”
Srbija dobija palatu nauke / serbia gains the palace of science Zadužbina Miodraga Kosti a, zahvaljuju i poklonu vrednom 25 miliona evra, otvori e prvi centar za istraživanje i popularizaciju nauke u Srbiji / The Miodrag Kostić Endowment, thanks to a gift of its founder in the amount of 25 million euros, will open the first Centre for the Research and Popularisation of Science in Serbia
The Miodrag Kostić Endowment will open the first center for research and popularizati- on of science in Serbia - the Palace of Science. In addition to being the first centre of its kind in our country, the Palace of Science will al- so be the largest such centre in the region, en- compassing an area of 5,500m 2 . One part of this facility will be reserved for scientific resear- ch activities and pushing the boundaries in the field of electrical engineering, computer scien- ce and software engineering, while the other part will house numerous educational, attracti- ve and interactive exhibits and contents inten- ded to popularise science among the general public, particularly children and young adults. It was with this goal in mind that Miodrag Ko- stić established an endowment and is now do- nating to the public the Palace of Science, whi- ch is worth 25 million euros. It will be located in one of the most beautiful buildings in Belgrade city centre, on the corner of Kralja Milana and Knez Miloša streets, breathing new life into this monument of culture that dates back to 1924. Science is the driving force of society‘s de- velopment, and Miodrag Kostić‘s wish is that the Palace of Science provides an opportuni- ty for a new generation of young scientists to build their careers in their country, to work in top-quality conditions and a creative space, li- ke in the world‘s best science centers. On that occasion, the Endowment has established co- operation with the Faculty of Electrical Engi- neering, whose professors will lead 19 research centres at the Palace of Science. In return, the Miodrag Kostić Endowment will provide them and their students with the best working condi- tions and equipment.
Vrlo je blizu Ciriha i nudi pristojne cene In close proximity to Zurich, but nonetheless very reasonably priced
nosti, a posebno deci i mladima. Sa tim ciljem Miodrag Kosti je osnovao zadužbinu i daruje dru tvu Palatu na- uke vrednu 25 miliona evra. Bi e sme- tena u jednoj od najlep ih zgrada u centru Beograda, na uglu ulica Kralja Milana i Kneza Milo a, i ovom spome- niku kulture iz 1924. godine udahnu- e nov život. Nauka je pokretačka snaga ra- zvoja dru tva, a želja Miodraga Ko- sti a je da Palata nauke pruži priliku novoj generaciji mladih naučnika da karijere grade u svojoj zemlji, da ra- de u vrhunskim uslovima i kreativnom prostoru, kao u najboljim svetskim na- učnim centrima. Tim povodom Za- dužbina Miodraga Kosti a uspostavila je saradnju sa Elektrotehničkim fakul- tetom Univerziteta u Beogradu, čiji e profesori voditi 19 istraživačkih cen- tara u Palati nauke. Zadužbina Mio- draga Kosti a obezbedi e njima i nji- hovim studentima najbolje uslove i opremu za rad.
Acmanig Acmanig leži na samom ulazu u Cirih, a nudi izbor sta- za za početnike i za iskusne skija e i snoubordere. Sva- ko ko vi e voli mala i intimna skijali ta ovde je na pravom mestu. Za one koji ne skijaju Acmanig nudi porodičnu 1,9 kilometara dugu stazu za sankanje sa blagim zavoji- ma. Tobogani i staze za bob su svuda, a osim toga, pre- krasan snegom prekriven pejzaž alpskog podnožja la- ko se može istražiti na krpljama. Na kraju, nema boljeg načina da zavr ite divan dan od u u kavanja uz uku- sni fondu. Iz Ciriha: 77 minuta javnim prevozom, 55 minuta auto- mobilom
Atzmännig Atzmännig occupies the gateway to Zurich and offers a choice of ski runs for everyone from first-time novices ri- ght through to more proficient skiers and snowboarders. Anyone preferring small and friendly ski areas has come to the right place here. For non-skiers, Atzmännig offers a 1.9-km-long toboggan run with gentle bends, while the snow-covered landscape of the Alpine foothills can also be explored easily on snowshoes. And afterwards you can in- dulge in the best way to bring a highly enjoyable day in the snow to a close by tucking into a tasty fondue. From Zurich: 77 minutes by public transport; 55 minu- tes by car
Zadužbina Miodraga Kosti a otvori e prvi centar za istraživanje i popularizaciju nauke u Srbiji – Pala- tu nauke. Pored toga to e biti pr- vi centar ove vrste u na oj zemlji, bi- e i najve i u regionu, sa prostorom od 5.500 m 2 . U jednom delu odvija- e se naučno-istraživačke aktivnosti i pomerati granice u oblasti elektroteh- nike, računarstva i softverskog inže- njerstva, dok e u drugom delu biti sme teni brojni edukativni, atraktivni i interaktivni eksponati i sadržaji name- njeni popularizaciji nauke naj iroj jav-
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