u fokusu / in focus
Jelena Gavrilović , Đorđe Petković i Jelena Guduri (levo). Goste je zabavljala fantastična Marija Šerifovi (desno) Jelena Gavrilović, George Petković and Jelena Gudurić (left). The guests were entertained by fantastic Marija Šerifović (right)
Četvrto po redu ovakvo okuplja- nje održano u prestižnom „Ćiprija- niju“, u srcu Njujorka, okupilo je 470 gostiju iz različitih delova Sjedinje- nih Američkih Država i drugih delo- va sveta. Prikupljena suma od preko 100.000 dolara bi e raspoređena na dva istaknuta projekta: „Feel to Heal“ Fondacije „Novak Đokovi “ za osnaživanje emocionalne inteligen- cije kod dece i projekat palijativnog zbrinjavanja dece obolele od neizle- čivih bolesti, projekat BELhospice centra koji uključuje pružanje medi- cinske i psiholo ke nege deci i njiho- vim porodicama. Gala veče je ta- kođe bilo prilika da se oda priznanje dobrotvornoj organizaciji „Srbi za Sr- be“ za rad na umanjivanju siroma - tva. Ova organizacija je pomogla vi- e od 3.200 porodica. Dok je događaj bio obeležen ovim filantropskim trenucima, osta- tak večeri je bio ispunjen živom ener- gijom i maestralnim performansima. Voditelji svečanosti bili su Jelena Ga- vrilović , svestrana glumica i pevači- ca, i Đorđe Petković , član Upravnog odbora Srpskog filantropskog dru - tva. Njihova harizma i interakcija sa gostima, sa brilijantnim uvodnim mu- zičkim nastupom Jelene Gavrilović , dali su ton noć i koja je bila ispunjena dobrim raspoloženjem i zabavom. Na početku večeri gosti su ple- sali uz očaravajuć e tonove au- strijskog valcera u izvedbi Bečkog operskog balskog kvinteta. Kao spe- cijalna go ć a, Marija Šerifović je svo- jim spektakularnim glasom osvojila
The fourth edition of the Ga- la, held at the renowned Cipriani, drew 470 attendees from across the United States, Serbia, and beyond. The occasion raised a total of over $100,000, which will be distributed between two noteworthy causes: the "Feel to Heal" programme of the No- vak Djokovic Foundation, which focu- ses on nurturing children's emotional management skills, and the "Hospi- ce at Home for Children" programme of the BELhospice Centre for Palliati- ve Care, which offers medical care, support and hope to terminally ill chil- dren and their families. The Gala also served as a plat- form for the Serbian Philanthropic Association to recognise the work of Serbs for Serbs, a charitable organi- sation that works on projects that lift Serbian families out poverty. The or- ganisation has positively impacted more than 3,200 families. While the event focused on the- se impactful philanthropic moments, the remainder of the evening was characterised by vibrant energy and performances. Serving as Masters of Ceremony were Ms. Jelena Ga- vrilović, a versatile actress and sin- ger, and Mr. George Petković, a Board sve prisutne stvarajuć i očaravajuć u atmosferu koja je trajala do kulmina- cije noć i. Trenutak koji je osvojio srca gostiju bio je nastup desetogodi nje Sofije koja se kao jedna od najmlađih go ć a Gale spontano pridružila Ma- riji na bini.
Tim organizatora / Organising Team
Srpska filantropska gala u Njujorku Serbian Philanthropic Gala in New York Prikupljeno preko 100.000 dolara za decu iz Srbije over $100,000 Raised in New York for children in Serbia Godi nje Srpsko filantropsko gala veče, u organizaciji Srpskog filantropskog udruženja, predstavlja okupljanje koje ima mo da kroz dobročinstvo doprinese boljem životu mnogih, neguje veze među srpskom zajednicom i promovi e duh filantropije / The annual Serbian Philanthropic
Generalni direktor Er Srbije Jirži Marek,
Member of the Serbian Philanthropic Association. Their charisma and en- gaging interactions with the guests, coupled with an opening musical per- formance by Ms. Gavrilović, set the tone for a night of high energy. The evening also saw guests dancing to the enchanting strains of the Austrian Waltz performed by the Viennese Opera Ball Quintet. As the special guest performer of the night, Marija Šerifović captivated all atten- dees with her spectacular voice, cre- ating a mesmerising atmosphere. A moving moment that won the hear- ts of the guests was a short perfor- mance by a 10-year old Sophia who, as one of the youngest guests at the Gala, spontaneously joined Mari- ja on stage.
regionalni direktor za
Severnu i Južnu Ameriku Đorđe Petković i posada Er Srbije Air Serbia CEO Jirí Marek and Vice-President Americas George Petković, flanked by Air Serbia crew members
Gala, hosted by the Serbian Philanthropic Association, is an inspiring gathering where compassion and benevolence unite to positively impact lives, foster connections within the Serbian community, and ignite a spirit of philanthropy
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