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Majstor pripovedanja i autor međuna- rodnih bestselera Sajmon Sibag Mon- tefjore donosi nam priču o ljudskom ro- du od preistorije do danas ispričanu kroz ono to je zajedničko čitavom čovečan- stvu: kroz porodice. Uz to, mi putuje- mo vremenskim osama ljudske istorije na svim kontinentima (osim Antarktika), to je jedinstven slučaj kada su u pitanju istorije sveta. Polazimo od otisaka stopa- la porodice koja je koračala obalom pre 950.000 godina, a odatle nas Montefjo- re dalje vodi na uzbudljivo epsko putova- nje kroz porodice koje su oblikovale na svet: Cezari, Medičiji i Zului, Bonaparte, Habsburzi i Inke, porodice Čerčila, Ke- nedija, Kastra, Nehrua... Od Aleksandra Velikog, Atile, i Džingis-kana do Hitlera, Obame i Putina. Od Sokrata, Mikelanđe- la i Šekspira do Njutna, Mocarta, Balza- ka, Frojda i Bouvija. Nemogu e je sve re i i nabrojati i ba za- to na početku pitam pisca kako je uop te bilo mogu e sagledati sve aspekte ne- zamislivo obimnog materijala i koliko mu je vremena trebalo... – Ambicija knjige je suluda, znam i zapra- vo me je skoro ubila. Nisam mogao da spavam tri godine, ali na sreć u, sve sam to napisao za vreme izolacije žive i svoju cenobitsku egzistenciju opsesivnog mo- naha. Detaljno sam pročitao svaku te- mu, vodio bele ke i kada sam bio spre- man, prelazio na sledeć u. Nikada to ne bih mogao da napi em u drugom vre- menu... Tolstoj kaže da su sve porodice nesrećne na svoj način, šta biste rekli, kroz istoriju čovečanstva, na koji su način sve porodice slične? – U svom srcu sve porodice su izgrađe- ne oko biolo ke majke i oca, nuklearne porodice, ali osim toga, porodica se dra- matično menjala tokom vekova. Poro- dice se razvijaju sa dru tvom, ali glavna tema je da ne postoje čiste nacije, kla- novi, porodice: sve je hibrid. Ako je istorija učiteljica života, možete li da izdvojite nešto što bi bila bar jedna od najvažnijih lek- cija kojima vas je ta učiteljica na- učila? – Živimo u opasnim vremenima. Prava lekcija jeste da je ljudska sposobnost za samouni tenje beskrajna, ali isto tako i ljudska sposobnost da gradi, leči i prila- gođava se.
Knjiga / Book Otkrivamo Montefjoreov „Svet“ / We’re discovering Montefiore's “World”
The master storyteller and internation- al bestselling author that is Simon Se- bag Montefiore brings us the story of the human race from prehistory to the pres- ent day, as told through something that the whole of humanity has in common: the family. Apart from that, we traverse the timeline of human history on all con- tinents (except Antarctica), which is a unique case when it comes to world histo- ry. We begin with the footsteps of a fam- ily walking along a beach 950,000 years ago. From here, Montefiore takes us on an exhilarating epic journey through the fam- ilies that have shaped our world: the Cae- sars, Medicis and Incas, Ottomans and Mughals, Bonapartes, Habsburgs and Zu- lus, Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Krupps, Churchills, Kennedys, Castros, Nehrus... From Alexander the Great, Attila, and Genghis Khan to Hitler, Obama and Pu- tin... From Socrates, Michelangelo and Shakespeare to Newton, Mozart, Balzac, Freud and Bowie. How was it even possible to over- view all aspects of that unimagina- bly voluminous material and how much time did you need to write su- ch a book?
“The ambition of the book is insane, I know, and in fact it almost killed me. I couldn’t sleep for three years, but I luckily wrote it all during covid lockdown, when I was living the coeno- bitic existence of an obsessional monk. I read each subject in detail, took notes and when I was ready moved onto the next. I could nev- er have written it at any other time…” Tolstoy says that all unhappy families are unhappy in their own way, in whi- ch ways would you say that all fami- lies have been alike throughout hu- man history? “At their heart all families are built around a biological mother and father, the nucle- ar family, but apart from that family has changed dramatically through the ages. Families evolve with society, but the ma- jor theme is that there are no pure nations, clans, families: everything is hybridity”. If history is the teacher of life, could you highlight something representing at least one of the most important le- ssons you’ve been taught by that te- acher? “We live in dangerous times. The real lessons are that the human capacity for self-mutila- tion is endless, but so is the human ability to build, heal and adapt.”
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