Elevate January 2024 | Air Serbia

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Izložba / Exhibition

„UKRŠTANJE / Teritorija i sopstvo“ CROSSING / Territory and Self

U Muzeju savremene umetnosti otvorena je izložba „UKRŠTANJE / Teritorija i sopstvo“ umetnika Mihaela Milunovića u Galeriji-le- gatu Milice Zorić i Rodoljuba Čolakovića. Publika će moći da je pogleda do 23. februara. U poslednje tri decenije, koliko je prisutan i aktivan na domaćoj i međunarodnoj umetničkoj sceni, Mihael Milunović svoju praksu vezuje za kontinuirana eksperimentisanja sa različitim likovnim disciplinama i vizuelnim izrazima, dok tematska interesovanja najšire usmerava na istraživanja istorijskih i savremenih fenome- na manifestovanja sociopolitičkih, kulturnih i ideoloških sistema i konteksta. Već od najranijih serija slika i crteža, u fokusu umet- nikovog zanimanja jeste višeznačnost simbola kao sredstva slo- žene komunikacije između pojedinca, kolektiva i sveta koji ih okružuje, kao način kojim se konstruišu saznanja i identiteti, izra- žavaju ideologije i karakteristike kulture određene sredine.

The Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade is hosting the Mihael Mi- lunović exhibition CROSSING / Territory and Self in the legacy gallery of Milica Zorić and Rodoljub Čolaković. The public will be able to check out this exhibition until 23 rd February. Over the previous three decades that he has been present and active on the local and international art scene, Milunović has linked his practice to continuous experimentation with different fine art disciplines and visual expressions, while his thematic interests are mostly focused on the re- search of historical and contemporary phenomena of the manifestation of sociopolitical, cultural and ideological systems. and context. Since his earliest series of paintings and drawings, this artist has been captivated by the multifaceted ambiguity of symbols as a means of complex com- munication between individuals, collectives and the surrounding world, serving as a way to construct knowledge and identities, express ideolo- gies and depict cultural characteristics specific to a given environment.


Nova sezona originalne HBO serije „Pra- vi detektiv: Noćna zemlja“ sa dobitnicom „Oskara“ Džodi Foster i Kejli Ris u glav- nim ulogama, imaće premijeru 15. janua- ra na „HBO Max“ striming platformi. Kad padne duga zimska noć u Enisu na Aljas- ci, osmorica ljudi koji upravljaju arktičkom istraživačkom stanicom Tsalal nestaju bez traga. Kako bi rešile slučaj, detektiv- ke Liz Denvers (Foster) i Evanđelin Navaro (Ris) moraće da se suoče s tamom koju nose u sebi i istraže tajne koje leže zako- pane pod večnim ledom.

The new season of the HBO original se- ries True Detective: Night Country, with Oscar winner Jodie Foster and Kali Reis in the lead roles, premieres on the HBO Max streaming platform on 15 th January. When the long winter night falls in Ennis, Alaska, the eight men who operate the Tsalal Arc- tic Research Station vanish without a trace. To solve the case, Detectives Liz Danvers (Foster) and Evangeline Navarro (Reis) will have to confront the darkness they carry in themselves and dig into the haunted truths that lie buried under the eternal ice.

„Pravi detektiv: Noćna zemlja“ True Detective: Night Country

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