Elevate January 2024 | Air Serbia



N azovite to magijskim mišljenjem ili manifestacijom, ali vera da ljudi mo- gu uticati na svoju stvarnost pukom voljom traje vekovima. Sada samo postoji novi, digitalno kršteni izraz za ovu ideju: delulu. Proizašao iz reči deluzivan, tačnije onaj koji je sklon bizarnim zabludama, delulu je prvi put ste- kao popularnost ovog leta kao sinonim za nepoko- lebljivo samopouzdanje. I brzinom svetlosti je po- stao deo cajtgajsta, jer objave sa ovom rečju imaju više od pet milijardi pregleda na Tiktoku, a njenom semantikom se bave svi, od kolumnista „Njujork tajmsa“ pa do lingvista sa uglednih univerziteta. Iako je prvi put zabeležen pre skoro deceniju među vatrenim fanovima K-pop muzičkog žanra, delulu se sada široko koristi među pripadnicima generacije Z i mlađim milenijalcima kako bi se opi- sao proces ostvarivanja navodno nemogućeg, ili ba- rem stizanja do uverenja da je tako nešto moguće. Rodonačelnica delulu žanra i ujedno najčešće citi- rana kreatorka sadržaja na tu temu, jeste 23-go- dišnja Bjanka Bernardo iz Los Anđelesa, koja je snimila slavni klip s rečima „Biti delulu je solulu“, ubedivši milione pratilaca kako je solucija (so- lulu) za naizgled nemoguće ciljeve omogućiti sebi malo sumanute samouverenosti. Sa njom se slaže i Sabrina Basun, pozna- ta kao „Tube girl“, koja je stekla popular- nost objavljivanjem klipova na Tiktoku na kojima pleše u londonskom metrou pretvarajući se da je u svom muzičkom

Y ou can call it magical thinking or mani- festation, but the belief that people can influence their reality through sheer force of will has persisted for centuries. Now there’s just a new, digitally christened term for this idea: “delulu”. Derived from the word delusional, or more pre- cisely a description of someone who’s prone to bizarre delusions, delulu is a slang term that first gained pop- ularity in the summer of 2023 as a synonym for un- wavering self-confidence. And it became part of the zeitgeist instantly, as shown by the fact that posts containing this word have amassed more than five billion views on TikTok, and its semantics are being addressed by everyone from New York Times col- umnists to the linguists of prestigious universities. Although it was first recorded almost a decade ago, among the die-hard fans of the K-pop music gen- re, delulu is now in widespread use among members of Gen-Z and young millennials as a way of describ- ing the process of achieving the supposedly impos- sible – or at least being convinced that such a thing is possible. The instigator of the delulu genre, and simultaneously the most frequently quoted content creator on the topic, is 23-year-old Los Angeles na- tive Bianca Bernardo, who famously recorded “Be- ing delulu is solulu”, which served to convince mil- lions of followers that giving yourself a little “crazy self-confidence” is the solution to everything that seems impossible. Concurring with her is one Sabrina Bahsoon, better known as the ‘Tube Girl’, who gained pop- ularity by posting TikTok clips showing her danc- ing on the London Underground pretending to be in her own music video. According to the internet, she is also one of the uncrowned queens of delulu, because, as she says, she strives to inspire others to “reject cringe” and embrace “their own brilliance”. Miss Bahsoon was a law student at England’s Durham University when she launched her career as a model and TikTok star. She said she was con- fident that her dreams would come true and would regularly tell her friends about that. “Tube Girl was a manifestation I put out into the world of who I want to be,” says Bahsoon, now 25. “I think it’s the most delusional thing that could possibly happen, like be- coming a worldwide trend, but now it’s my reality.” Similar to trends like “main character syndrome” and “romanticising your life”, delulu has also be- come a way for young people to have some degree of control over their lives, particularly when it might otherwise seem to them that everything is work- ing against them. Despite the roots of the word delulu being buried in the K-pop community, where it

Sindrom glavnog lika / Main character syndrome Svi smo mi pomalo delulu We’re all a bit delulu

Kako je Tiktok skraćenica za bizarnu zabludu postala simbol naših uzbudljivih vremena / How the TikTok short form slang for delusional has become a symbol of the exciting times in which we live

Delulu je postao način da mladi ljudi steknu određeni stepen kontrole u svojim životima Delulu has also become a way for young people to have some degree of control over their lives

spotu. Kako smatraju ljudi na inter- netu, ona je takođe jedna od nekru- nisanih kraljica vladavine delulua, jer kako kaže, treba inspirisati dru- ge da odbace stid i prihvate sop- stvenu fantastičnost.

Gospođica Bahsoon bila je studentkinja prava na Univer- zitetu u Daramu u Engleskoj kada je njena karijera mo- dela i zvezde Tiktoka još uvek bila u povoju. Izja-

vila je da je bila uvere- na da će joj se snovi

Tekst / Words: Ivan Radojčić Fotografije / Photography: Depositphotos

describes a fan’s parasitic relationship with a celebrity, the narrative has

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